Search result(s) - maayó-áyo



To behave oneself, deport oneself. Nagaginawî siá sing maáyo-or-maáyo ang íya nga pagginawî. He is behaving himself well, (his behaviour, customs, manners, demeanour, habits are good. (see gáwì).



(Sp. gobierno) Government, management, direction of affairs, sway, control; to govern, direct, hold sway. Sín-o ang nagagobiérno sang baláy mo, kay walâ ikáw dídto? Who manages your household at present, as you are not there? Ginagobiernohán silá sing maáyo. They are well ruled, (under good government or management), (see pangulohán, dulumaláhan, dumála, pangúlo, gahúm, kagamhánan).



Shears, a pair of scissors; to shear, clip, cut with a pair of scissors. Guntingá ang ákon bohók. Cut my hair with a pair of scissors. Guntingí ang ákon bohók. Trim my hair with a pair of scissors. Igúnting akó ánay sang búlbul siníng karnéro. Kindly clip the wool from this sheep. Kindly shear-, fleece-, this sheep. Guntingí si tótò. Cut the little boy's hair. Mapagúnting akó sa barbéro. I am going to the barber to have my hair cut, to have a hair-cut. Sa siníng mahábul nga gúnting índì ka makagúnting sing maáyo. With this blunt pair of scissors you cannot cut well. (see alót, bulúg).



To bite, snap, nip, gnaw, champ, manch, crunch, craunch, nibble (a bone or the like). Gingus-abán sang idô iníng túl-an. The dog has gnawed this bone. Halá, gus-abá lang sing maáyo ang ímo báyò, kay madámù ang pílak mo nga inugbalakál! You just bite the sleeve of your jacket, as you have so much money to buy (a new) one! (sarcastically said to children biting their sleeves in anger or disappointment). Ipagús-ab lang sa idô iníng mga túl-an. Give these bones to the dog to gnaw. Andamí ang idô, kay daw buót siá maggús-ab sang ímo pusúpusuán. Beware of the dog, for he looks as if he means to nip you in the calf of the leg.



Hunger, starvation, famine, want-, dearth-, scarcity-, of food; to cause hunger, etc. Ginagútum akó. I am hungry. Pagagútmon ka gid sa dálan kon magkádto ka sa malayô. You will certainly get hungry on the road, if you go far. Ang pagpangabúdlay nagpagútum sa íya. The work made him hungry. Ginapagútman níya ang íya kabáyo. He is keeping his horse on a hunger-diet. Kon sa pílak ímol silá, matúod, ápang kon sa pagkáon maáyo ang íla kahimtángan, kay walâ silá sing gútum. They are poor in money, that is true, but as regards food they are well off and there is no famine amongst them. Kon amó ang baláy nga ímo ginadayónan índì ka gid magútum, kay mainamomáhon silá kaáyo. If you stay at that house you will surely not go hungry, for they are very hospitable.



That is outside, exterior, outward, without, external, on the surface, superficial, apparent, forthcoming; upshot, outcome, result, final issue, conclusion; to go or come out, appear, show, make one's appearance (on a stage, etc.). Makaín balá iní? Anó balá ang gwâ siní? Where will this end? What will be the final outcome? Sa gwâ. Outside. Sa gwâ sang baláy, sang bánwa, sang Iglésya Katólika, etc. Outside the house, the town, the Catholic Church, etc. Gwâ (maggwâ) kamó. Go outside. Go away. Come forth, appear on the scene, make your appearance on the stage, or the like. Ang amó nga talanáwon pagagwaán ni Fuláno. That play will have N.N. as an actor. N.N. will appear in that play. Pagwaí silá sing matahúm nga sínta. Show them a fine reel (film). Pagwaá ang mga bátà. Make the children go outside. Send the children away. Pagwaí na kamí sang beláda. Start the play. Raise the curtain. Let the curtain be raised. Maáyo silá sa gwâ, ápang maláin sa sulúd. Outwardly they appear to be good, but their intentions are bad. Ginpagwâ níla ang tanán nga walâ magbáyad sang inogsulúd. They-put outside,-put out,-turned out,-expelled, all those that had not paid the entrance-fee. Indì siá makagwâ sa íya hulút, kay ginlyabihán ko ang ganháan sa gwâ. He cannot leave his room, for I have locked the door from the outside. N.B. Instead of pagwaón, pagwaán, etc. pagwáon, pagwáan, etc. are also used, especially in (B). (see luás, halín, búhì, lakát).



To slight, think little of, treat with disrespect, ignore, disregard, despise, not to heed, pay no attention to, have no consideration for. Ginahamákan níla ang mga sógò sang Diós. They are not heeding God's commandments. Indì ka maghámak sang íya mga láygay. Don't slight his admonitions. Don't despise his advice. Indì mo pagpahamákan ang maáyo nga batásan sa ímo nga panimaláy. Don't permit good conduct to be disregarded in your home. (see pahámak which is more in use).



Speech, say, talk, locution, parlance, utterance; language, expression, oral communication, discourse; to say, speak, talk, utter. Anó ang hámbal níya? What did he say? Naghámbal siá nahanungúd sa pagpangúma. He spoke about farming. Indì ka maghámbal sing súbung sinâ. Don't talk like that. Hambalán mo siá sang áton nga ginkasugtánan. Talk over with him our agreement. Anó ang ihámbal ko sa íya? What shall I say to him? Hambalá siá tungúd sináng mga butáng, agúd mahibaloán mo ang íya lúyag. Speak to him about those things, that you may know what he wants. Hambalón mo siá sing maáyo gid. Speak to him in a very friendly way, very-civilly,-politely,-courteously,-amiably,-affably,-genially,-gently. (see púlong, silíng, koón, dágil, hambárò, súgid).



To smell, sniff, scent, nose a smell or odour. Maghangó ka sang kahamút siníng búlak. Smell the fragrance of this flower. Hangohí ang ágwa kon maáyo. Take a sniff at the perfume to see whether it is pleasant. Ginhangohán níya ang botílya kon bíno sa mísa ukón bíno tínto. He smelled the bottle to find out whether it contained Mass-wine or red table-wine. Ang idô nagahangó sang ági sang talunón kon maggódgod sinâ. The dog scents the track of the wild boar when he is in search of it. (see sínghot, panínghot, panimáhò, dapóg, panapóg).



To shut, close (a door, window, etc.). Haóma ang ganháan. Close the door. Ginháom mo sing maáyo ang bintánà? Have you closed the window well? (see háop, ángkop, dápat, será).



Wrapping, covering, cover; to wrap, cover, envelop. Hapiní sing papél ang gisî sang ímo pányo, kay súdlan ko sing asín. Cover the torn part of your handkerchief with paper, for I am going to fill it with salt. Ihapín iníng papél sa ímo tulún-an. Wrap your book up in this paper. Make a cover or jacket for your book with this paper. Ginhapinán níla sing maáyo ang mga médyas nga íla pinadalá sa ákon sa koríyo. They wrapped the socks up well which they sent me by mail. Ihapín akó ánay siníng mga panápton. Please wrap up these clothes for me. (see baláhos, baráhos).

háwas, háw-as


To take out or off, deliver from, extract, remove, extricate, set free. Hawasá ang tanán nga mga galamitón sa balatonán kag lampasóhan mo sing maáyo ang salúg. Remove all furniture from the reception room and mop the floor well. Sín-o ang nagháwas sang mga líbro sa látok? Who took the books off the table? Ila siá ginháwas sa kalisúd. They delivered him from difficulties. Hawasí (iháwas) akó sang ákon maléta nga árà sa hulút, kag dálhon mo dirí. Kindly get for me my suitcase there in the room, and bring it here. (see kúhà, luás).



Peace, calm, tranquillity, concord, harmony; to be at peace, live tranquilly, be on friendly terms with. Ginahidaítan na silá sang íla mga kaíping. They are now living at peace with their neighbours. Nagahidaitáy silá. They are living in harmony. "Himáyà sa Diós sa kahitás-an kag paghidáit sa mga táo nga maáyo sing kabubút-on". "Glory to God in the highest and peace to men of good will". (see dáit, linóng, húsay, táwhay).



(H) To have an empty stomach, feel a sinking sensation in the stomach on account of hunger, fear, excitement or shock. Nagahílab ang ginháwa ko; or: ginahilában akó sa lakás nga kagútum. I am weak from hunger, (my stomach feels quite empty, I am exhausted). Magkáon kamó ánay sing maáyo, agúd índì kamó mahilában sa dálan. Eat well that you may not become exhausted on the way. (see hírab id.; hawáhawá).



To tire, exhaust, weaken through hunger, fatigue, etc.; to shrink, become thin or lean. Nagahílwak ang tiyán ko-or-ginahilwakán akó. I am exhausted (am getting weak or tired out). Mamáhaw ka sing maáyo, agúd índì maghílwak ang solóksolók mo, kon magtokád kitá sa búkid. Take a good breakfast, lest you should become exhausted when we ascend the mountain. Naghílwak ang íya láwas, kay nagmasakít siá. He has become lean, for he has been sick. (see hílab, kúpus, lúpyak).



To praise, extol, laud, honour, glorify, eulogize, acclaim, commend, make known, spread one's fame, speak well of. Himansagí siá sang maáyo níya nga binuhátan. Give him praise for his good deeds. Himansagá siá. Extol him. (Spread his fame). (see bánsag, bántug).



Honour, glory, bliss, happiness; to be in bliss, enjoy glory, felicity or happiness. Ang maáyo nga mga bátà amó ang himáyà sang mga ginikánan. Good children are the glory of their parents. Nagahimáyà silá karón kay nakadaúg sa kasábà. They are quite happy now, for they have won the lawsuit. Maghimáyà ka. Be happy (blessed).-or-Enjoy bliss or felicity. (see kalípay).



To feel, touch, pass one's hand or finger over, fumble, finger, handle. Himíli siá sa úlo kon anó ang kaínit níya. Feel his head, how hot it is. Himíla ang hénero kon maáyo. Feel the cloth to see whether it is good. Indì ka maghímil sa ákon. Don't touch me. Ginhímil sang manugbúlung ang íya nga púlso. The doctor felt his pulse. Hinimílan siá sang manughílot sa ágtang. The masseur massaged his forehead. (see híkap, tándog).



To look at narrowly, scrutinize, inspect carefully, examine thoroughly by ocular inspection. Himutádi (-ári) sing maáyo ang mga tigbató, kon ikáw ang nagabása. Look well at the letters, if you are the reader (or when you read). Maghimútad ka sang sulát. Examine the letter carefully. Ihimútad mo akó ánay sang pilás sang karabáw, kay básì may úlud sa sulúd. Please inspect carefully the buffalo's wound, for maybe there are worms inside. Ginhimutádan níya sing madúgay ang laráwan sang íya nga ilóy. He looked attentively for a long time at the picture of his mother. Nakasayóp ka sa pagtokár, kay walâ mo paghimutádi ang mga nóta. You made a mistake in playing, because you did not look carefully at the notes. (see mulálong, tán-aw, túluk).



To feel pain, uneasiness or mortification at the sight of another's well-being or success, envy, spite, begrudge, be sore on account of, harbour a grudge or ill-will, be pained at. Nagahinakít siá sa ákon. He envies me. Ginahinakitán áko níya, kay maáyo ang ákon pinatubás kag makúl-aw ang íya. He harbours ill-will against me, because I had a good harvest and he a poor one. Indì ka maghinakít sang mga kaayóhan sang ibán. Don't envy the good things of others-or-Don't be vexed at the sight of the prosperity of others. (see sakít, hingabút).

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