Neither "fish, flesh nor fowl"; untimely, inconvenient, immature, not quite qualified or capable; to lack maturity, timeliness, qualities or conditions required. Ang mga páhò aláng-álang pa. The mangoes are not quite ripe yet. Aláng-álang pa ang tiémpo. The time is not convenient yet, the weather is still unreliable,-not quite suitable. Iníng batà aláng-álang pa sa pagbúthò. This child is too young to go to school. Also used as a verb. Dílì mo pagaláng-alángon ang pagabút mo dirí. Don't arrive here too late. Ginaláng-alángan akó sa pagdúaw sa ínyo, kay--. I was prevented from paying you a visit, because--. Kalití ang pagpaúlì, agúd dílì ka maaláng-alángan sang ulán. Make use of the first opportunity to go home, lest you should be detained by the rain.
Untimely, inopportune, inconvenient, premature; remiss, slack, negligent, careless, falling short of what is required. (see alángálang, alangón).
(B) A trivial cold or slight fever. See alangá-ang id.
A slight cold, catarrh, a touch of fever. May alangá-ang siá or ginaalangá-ang siá. He has a slight cold. Inalangá-ang akó. I contracted a slight cold or catarrh. (see aláng-ang id.).
(H) The much used plural form of ángay. Also used adverbially: sing alángay-equally, in the same manner, without difference, favour or distinction. Ginlímsan silá níya sing alángay sing tagnapúlo ka dakû. He gave them an alms of ten centavos each without distinction. Ginabílang kag ginasagúd níya ang mga manák kag ang mga sumúod niya nga anák sing alán[g]ay gid. He looks upon as equal and takes equal care of his stepchildren and his own children. (see saláma, parého).
(H) A shrub with very odoriferous flowers.
See alanghílan.
A very tender vine often seen climbing bamboo, etc.
Immature, young, untimely, etc. See alángalangánon.
(H) Rice to be harvested, rice ripe and ready to be reaped. (áni).
(H) See alaníhon, alányon.
(H) Bearable, tolerable, supportable; to be suffered, tolerated, borne with. Dáw sa dílì na alantúson inâ. That is scarcely to be tolerated any longer. Ang íya balatían makúlì nga búlngon, ápang alantúson, kay dílì gid man mabúg-at ang íya pagbátì. His disease is difficult to cure, but it is bearable, for he is really not seriously affected. (see ántus, balatasón, palas-ánon).
See alánion, alaníhon id. from áni-to harvest rice with the kayóg.
A slight affection of the skin which becomes a little swollen and inflamed or covered with rash. Walking barefoot through dense underbrush, coming bare-armed in contact with branches, etc. is frequently quite sufficient to contract this inflammation on the exposed parts of the skin. The aláo is the lightest of all skin-diseases and can easily be cured. Also used as a verb. May aláo siá or ginaaláo siá. He is affected with aláo. Inaláo siá or inalaoán siá. He contracted the skin-disease aláo. Inalaoán siá sa íya nga bútkon. He got an attack of aláo on his arm. (aláw id.).
To treat, offer to visitors tobacco, cigars, materials for betelnut chewing, a drink, etc. Ialáo sa íla iníng mga abáno or alaoí silá siníng mga abáno. Offer them these cigars. Alaoón ko silá sa baláy. I'll entertain them at home. Ialáo akó sa íla sang malám-on nga dídto sa hulút. Please offer them the materials for betelnut-chewing that are there in the room. (see amóma-to give food to, offer estables, etc.; aláw id.).
The last cleaning of rice before it is washed and got ready for the kettle; to clean rice after the two siftings called "tahúp" and "sisíg" respectively. Alápi ang bugás. Clean the rice. Separate from the rice all admixtures (that should not be boiled together with the clean, properly hulled rice). Iálap akó ánay sináng bugás. Please clean that rice for me. Ipaálap ang bugás sa bátà. Get the servant to clean the rice. Walâ siá sing inalápan. He has no clean rice.
Freq. of álap. The phrase "Walâ siá sing aláp-alápan" means: "He is so busy that he is unable to cope with the work". Literally: he has no clean rice in the house (being unable to attend to that on account of having much other work).
White spots on the skin, especially on the arms and legs. May aláp-ap ang íya bútkon. His arm has white spots on it. Inalap-apán ang íya batíis. His calf is covered with white spots.
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