(H) Measuring one fourth or quarter; a measure for the fourth part of. Pulakán nga alapátan. A measure containing one fourth of a gantang. (see talatlóhan-measuring one third).
Hardship, trial, difficulty; hard, trying, difficult; to be or become hard, etc. Alapígot karón ang pangabúhì Life at present is trying, (see lapígot id. and the more usual form).
(H) To disperse, spread, separate, (said of crowds, clouds, smoke, etc.). Ang asó nagaalapláag. The smoke is dispersing. Ang mga táo kon maggwâ sa simbáhan magaalapláag sa madalî. The people, when they come out of church, will soon disperse. Alaplaága ang mga bátà, háyup, etc. Make the children, the cattle, etc. spread, or separate, in different directions. (see aláplag, lápnag, lápta).
(H) See alapláag id. Alaplága or paalaplága ang mga karnero. Disperse the sheep. Ipaaláplag mo ang mga kánding sa kay Pédro. Get Peter to disperse the goats. Ang pagkakristiáno nakaaláplag na sa búg-os nga kalibútan. Christianity has now spread throughout the world. Yádtong bakólod naalaplágan sing madámù nga kahayópan. That hill has many farm animals scattered over it.
(H) A lime kiln (ápog-lime).
(H) Fit for-, capable of-, being made into lime; to be converted into lime (for betelnut chewing, building purposes, etc.). Bató nga alapogón. Stones convertible into lime. Many shells like those of the ígi, tamburúkò, tibótíbo, awís, etc. are "alapogón" for betelnut chewing. (see ápog).
Also: Good-for-nothing, no use, of no avail, a useless person, an old spinster, or the like. (see ápog).
(H) Goal, end, termination of a journey, resting place, abode. Táo nga walâ sing alapután. A man that has nowhere to go to, to stop at or live in, a man without settled abode. Kon may malumús sa ilayá sang subâ iníng báhin sang báybay amó sing masamí ang alapután sang bángkay. If someone (drowns) is drowned further up (in) the river, this part of the beach is quite frequently the place where the corpse is washed ashore. (see áput, apútan).
(Sp. as) The ace in cards, the card or die with a single pip.
To wind up, coil. Alása ang písì. Wind up the rope. Iálas akó ánay sang kalát. Please, coil up the rope for me. Kon índì ka makahibaló magálas sang káble ipaálas mo lang inâ sa kay Pédro. If you don't know how to wind up the cable, get Peter to do it.
(H) Place where salt is kept, salt-cellar, (asín).
(H) Suitable for fattening and sterilization; to be fattened and sterilized, applied chiefly to sows. (ásog).
(H) Chimney, funnel, hole for the escape of smoke. (asó).
(H) Capable of an explanation or to be explained,-exposed. (ásoy).
A small fish-basket; any other small basket with wide meshes to let water pass through or flow off easily.
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