To break or burst and discharge, said of swellings and ulcers. Nagbúswang na ang banóg ko. My ulcer has burst and discharged its matter. Butangí sing bulúng ang ákon púgsa agúd magabúswang sa madalì Put some medicine on the ulcer on my back to make it break soon. Ginpabúswang níla ang púgsa. They forced the ulcer on the back to break and discharge, they made the ulcer burst.
To spurt, spirt, jet, squirt, gush forth. See busawít, busawák.
To fasten loosely, secure untidily (one's dress, especially applied to a "patádyong"). (see buyâ).
etc. From buút-will, etc.
(B) Full, filled, replenished, charged. Butâ na ang láta. The can is full. Sang piésta butâ gid ang simbáhan sang mga táo. On the feast-day the church was quite filled with people. (see punô).
(B) To fill, charge, replenish. Butáa ang báso. Fill up the glass. Ginbútà níya ang ákon báso sing tínto. He charged my glass with red table-wine. Ibútà mo akó siníng báso. Please fill this glass for me. (see punô).
Blind, sightless; to become totally blind. Nagbutá na siá? Has he gone quite-, totally-, blind? Has he quite lost his sight? (see lamón).
Blindman's buff. Nagahámpang silá sang butábúta. They are playing blindman's buff. Sín-o ang butábúta? Who is the blind man? (see butá).
Dim. of butâ. Nearly full; to nearly fill.
Dark brown, dun-colored, brown turning nearly black.
Full, satisfied, satiated, replete, not hungry. (From butâ with a Spanish suffix).
(Sp. butaca) A comfortable, commodious chair, a good seat in a theatre, etc.
Slander, calumny, libel; to slander, calumniate, libel, backbite. Dî mo pagbutángbutángan ang ímong isigkatáo. Slander not your neighbour. Dî mo pagibutángbútang sa íya inâ. Don't bring that false accusation against him. (see libák-to detract).
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