To demolish, destroy, dismantle, pull down, take down. Bungkagá ang baláy. Pull down the house. Dílì mo pagbungkagón ang káro nga napunihán, kay may kinahánglan pa akó sinâ. Don't dismantle the decorated car, for I need it again. Bungkagí akó sing isá ka síya nga dáan, kay himóon ko nga balayán sang isá ka kwádro. Take to pieces an old chair for me, because I am going to make a picture-frame of it. Ibúngkag mo akó ánay sang entabládo. Please take down the stage. (see gubâ, láglag).
An egg that is not quite fresh, the white and the yolk being mixed.
An egg that is not quite fresh, the white and the yolk being mixed.
An egg that is not quite fresh, the white and the yolk being mixed.
An egg that is not quite fresh, the white and the yolk being mixed.
To force an entrance, break in, smash in, break open, a door, etc. See bíngkal id.
(H) To rise-, stand up-, suddenly, unceremoniously. Anó ang ginabungkálas mo? Why are you rising so suddenly? Nagbungkálas siá (binungkálas siá) sang pagkakítà níya sang mán-og. He rose quickly on seeing the snake. Indì mo pagbungkalásan kag pagbayáan ang mga bisíta. Don't rise so unceremoniously and leave your visitors alone. (see bángon, búngkras).
(B) See bulkát-búlkat. (Bungkátbungkáta-bulkátbulkáta).
Large-headed, thick-headed, chuckle-headed, with a swollen or big head out of proportion to the size of the body; blockhead, numskull, fool.
(B) See búngkras.
(B) To rise, stand up, get on its legs, from a lying or sitting position, chiefly applied to animals. Daw sa índì na makabúngkras iníng kabáyo. It seems that this horse cannot rise any more. Pabungkrasá ang karabáw. Make the buffalo get on its legs. Ginbungkrasán kag ginlagás sang idô ang kánding nga nagsulúd sa pamulákan. The dog rose and chased the goat that had entered the garden. Búngkras ka. Get up. (Applied to persons "búngkras" is considered impolite). (see bángon).
Beard, whiskers.
To strike-, tap-, the floor with the point of a stick or the like. Indì mo pagbungsarán (-adán) ang salúg sang ímo bastón. Don't tap the floor with the point of your stick. Ibúngsad ang ímo bastón sa salúg. Strike the point of your stick against the floor. (see púsdak-to throw or drop with some force).
An ant-hill, a little mound.
To punch, etc. See búngbung. Bungsorá (-odá)-bungbungá.
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