To open or break-a dam,-a bank,-a dyke,-a levee; to make a gap in a dyke. Sín-o ang nagbúlwang sang púnud? Who made the breach in the dyke? Ginbúlwang sang túbig ang pasákà. The water made a gap in the irrigation dam. Bulwangí ang kahón sa tungâtúngà sang talámnan. Make an opening in the dyke near the middle of the field. (see búhang, búlhang).
See bulwágas.
To wrench-tear-, drag-, pull-, out by force. Nabúlwat ang íya nga bútkon. His arm was wrenched out, (was entirely separated from the shoulder). Bulwatá ang pákpak sang manók nga iníhaw. Tear the wings off the chicken that has been killed. Ibúlwat mo akó sang páa sang manók. Please pull off the chicken's leg for me. Nabúlwat ang bulî sang láta, kólon, etc. The bottom of the tin, kettle, etc. was torn out.
(Sp. bolear) To pull-, drag-, by jerks, to jerk, push to and fro. Bulyahá ang pangá túbtub nga masánggì ang sangá. Push and pull the hooked pole till the branch breaks off the stem. Ginbúlya níya ang ákon bútkon túbtub nga nangákig akó (túbtub nga nadalá níya akó). He pulled my arm till I got angry (till he made me go along with him).
Dim. of búlya. Ginabulyabúlya ang bátà sang íya nga ilóy. The child is being pulled-, dragged-, along by its mother. Bulyábulyahá gid ang balágon túbtub nga mabúgtò. Jerk the stem of the creeper till it breaks.
(H) Guard, sentry, sentinel, watcher, observer, look-out. (bántay).
A boxer. (see búksing).
To make audible exertions or efforts, as of one suffering from a hard stool and having difficulty in evacuating.
(H) Birth, delivery; to bring to light, give birth to, be delivered of.
To wash by beating water-soaked clothes. Bunáki ang panápton ko. Wash my clothes. Panápton nga binunákan. Washed clothes. Ibúnak akó sang ákon pányo. Kindly wash my handkerchief. (see labá).
Also: to strike a ball, etc. Bunála ang bóla. Strike (hit) the ball.
To strike, beat, thrash, whip, flog, scourge, flagellate, birch, cane, drub, lash, swinge. Bunála siá. Thrash him. Bunáli siá sa likód. Give him a flogging on his back. Ibúnal mo akó ánay siníng bátà mo, kay nangáwat siá sing kuárta nga báli napúlò ka sentimós. Please give this child of your's a beating, for it has stolen ten centavos. Ibúnal sa kabáyo iníng símsim. Use this bamboo-branch to beat the horse with. (see hánot, lámpús, etc.).
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