(H) A spindle, spinning-wheel. (búlung: burungán id.).
A disclosure-, notification-, declaration-, publication-, manifestation-, to be made; that is to be disclosed, etc. (see bungát).
A kind of tree.
One to be baptized, a catechumen. Pilá ang mga bulunyágan sang isá ka Sábado? How many baptisms were there on the Saturday before last? Sín-o ang bulunyágan mo? Whom are you going to baptize? (see binunyágan-a Christian; Christian or baptismal name).
What is to be embroidered; embroidery. (see bórda, palamugtákan).
A bale, full piece, roll of cloth or the like.
Dried leaves of the buri-shoot (ógbos sang burí) used for making mats.
The first onrush of water in a flooded river, a sudden rise of water; also used as verb. Nabulúsan kamí. We were overtaken by the flood. Dalî kamó sa pagtabók, agúd índì kamó mabulúsan. Be quick in crossing the river, that the flood may not come upon you.
To take another's place, to succeed, substitute, take one's turn. Magbulús ka sa íya sa pagarádo. Now, take his place in ploughing. Sín-o ang nagbulús sa íya? Who succeeded him? Sa pituádlaw nga mabulús. Next week. Búsli (bulusí) siá sa pagdalá sang bakág. Take his place in carrying the basket. Nagbuslánay silá magbítbit sang maléta. They carried the handbag by turns. (see tál-us, salíli).
Alternately, by shifts, by turns, turn and turn about, to do by turns, take turns, to alternate. Magsímba kamó sing bulúsbúlus. Go to church by turns. Nagbulúsbúlus silá magbayó-or-sa pagbayó. They took turns at pounding rice. Bulúsbulúsan ta ang pagdalá sang bakág. Let us carry the basket turn and turn about. Bulúsbulúson mo ang itúm kag putî sa pagsámay sang ákon báyò. Make black and white stripes alternate in the design for my jacket or dress.
Surgery, operation; operating room; person to be operated upon. (see búsbus-to cut open, dissect).
Aperture, orifice, fistula, outlet (of a wound for the discharge of pus, etc.). (see búswang).
(H) Anything on which an object may be put or placed. Bulutángan sang abó. An ash-tray. Bulutángan sang botílya. Bottle-stand. (see butáng).
Sunrise; East. (see bútlak).
What is to be, or should be, pulled or drawn, property to be confiscated: seizable, liable to be seized, taken or confiscated. (see bútong).
(H) Strong language, reproaches, insults, cursing and swearing, vile or opprobrious terms, raillery; deserving a curse, execrable. (buyáyaw).
See búlwang.
An opening, a breach.
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