To participate in cock-fighting, to cock-fight, bet or wager on a cock-fight, cause a cock to fight in the cockpit. Diín si Fuláno?-Dídto sa bulangán, nagabúlang. Where is N.N?-He is there in the cock-pit, cock-fighting. Indì mo pagibúlang iníng manók, kay alángálang pa. Don't fight this cock in the cockpit, for its training is not complete yet, it is too young, etc. Indì náton pagbulángon ang áton manók. We will or must not let our cocks fight each other. Pasampoká pírme ang duhá ka manók, agúd mahánas, kay kon mahánas na ibúlang ta silá sa pándut sang bánwa. Get the two cocks to try their strength against each other constantly in order to make them expert, for if they are up to it we will fight them in the cockpit on the town-festival.
A cock-pit. Walâ na kamí sing bulangán sa ámon bánwa, kay tamà katáas sang buhís. We have no longer a cockpit in our town, for the license-tax is too high.
Pertaining or referring to the moon; moonlit, moon-blind, purblind, not seeing well, dim-sighted. Bulánon ang gáb-i sang pagabút námon dirí. It was a moon-lit night, when we arrived here. Iníng táo índì makabása, kay bulánon ang íya panúluk. This man cannot read, for his sight is dim.
See bólas, túros.
See bulásog.
A kind of fish.
Jaundice, icterus; biliousness.
To throw or cast an evil spell over, to make sick by an evil spell, said by the superstitious to exist in various secret places and mountain recesses. Kon magkádto ka sa mariít nga lugar hípus ka lang, kay, kon dílì, bulawón ka kon mabululáwon (bululáwon) ka. If you go to a haunted place, keep quiet, lest a spell of sickness be cast upon you, if you are liable to be influenced by spells. Binuláw siá, konó, kay nagsínggit sa tálon. He became sick through a spell, they say, because he shouted in the jungle.
A kind of creeper.
Gold. Bús-og nga buláwan. Pure gold, solid gold.
Golden, gilt, made of gold, shining or precious like gold.
To strike, beat against, etc. See púlpug.
Covered with feathers or fine, soft hairs, downy; feathery.
Hairy, downy, feathery.
(Perhaps from the English "bulldog") A kind of revolver; a special breed of swine.
Having an entirely white eyeball.
To push through, to force one's way through, pass unceremoniously through or in front of others. Sang nagasugilánon kamí nagbúlhang siá sa tungâ námon. As we were talking he rudely passed between us. Ginbúlhang níya ang mga bisíta. He unceremoniously pushed through the visitors. Binúlhang sang bahâ ang púnò sang táytay. The current forced its way through the bridge-head. Dílì mo pagbulhangán ang prosesyón. Don't cut through-, walk or pass across-, the procession. (see luháng).
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