Owl, night-owl.
Coconut candy, cake of unrefined sugar mixed with shreds of coconut meat. (see bándi).
To open a little a parcel, envelope, curtain, etc. in order to find out what is inside or behind. Bukií kag usisáon mo kon anó ang sulúd sang pinutús. Open the parcel a little and see what is inside. Binukî or binukián níya ang sóbre sang ákon sulát. He partly opened the envelope of my letter. Bukií akó sang kortína. Open the curtain a little for me. (see tukî).
Mountaineer, pertaining to mountaineers or people living in the mountains, coarse, rough, uncultured, stupid, boorish, clownish, uncouth.
See bukikís.
To open, unfold, spread out, as a blanket, the contents of a parcel and the like. Buklará (-adá) ang hábul, pányo, etc. Unfold the blanket, handkerchief, etc. Buklarí akó sing hábul nga ginabalígyà mo, kay kon úyon ko báklon ko. Spread out one of the blankets you are selling, for if it is to my liking I shall buy it. Ibúklad akó ánay siníng pányo. Kindly unfold this handkerchief for me. (see bílad, húmlad, bulád).
To snatch, tear away, grasp and pull suddenly, seize with a sudden or swift motion. Ginbúklas sang idô ang kárne nga ákon ginbítbit. The dog snatched away the meat I was carrying in my hand. Indî mo pagbuklasón ang mga butáng nga ginahátag sa ímo, kóndì batónon mo sing mahínay. Don't snatch things given you, but receive them gently, without haste. Ibúklas akó ánay sang hábul nga nasabláy sa alámbre. Kindly pull down for me the blanket hanging on the wire. (see sábnit).
(Sp. bucle) Parting of the hair.
See bóklon-knobby, etc.
To take hold of with the thumb and fore-or middle-finger, pinch, pluck. Ginbúknit gid lang níya ang bátà. He just took hold of the child with his thumb and finger (and pulled it along). Indì mo pagbuknitón ang ákon báyò. Don't finger my jacket. Buknití siá sa pakô sang íya báyò. Pluck the sleeve of his jacket. Ibúknit akó sa íya nga dulúnggan. Please pinch his ear. (see píknit).
A small measure of yarn or thread, a skein. Ang isá ka labág may napúlò ka búknol. A hank has ten skeins. (see maréhas).
(B) To say, think, intend, plan, utter. Nagbúkò siá nga sa buás makádto siá sa Ilóngílong. He intends to go to Iloilo to-morrow. Ginbukóan níya ang pagdúaw sa íya nga tíyà, ápang walâ siá magdúaw sa íya. He said he would pay a visit to his aunt, but he did not visit her. Ginabúkò níla nga --. They gave out that --. They intend to --.
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