An oar, paddle, scull; to strike the water with an oar, to paddle, scull. Bugsayá ang túbig. Beat the water with the oar. Bugsayí ang bóte. Row the boat. Ibúgsay akó sing diótay nga tión siníng bóte. Please, row this boat for me for a short time. Paanó ang pagdúngkà nínyo, sa búgsay ukón sa láyag? How did you reach land, by means of oars or sails?
A part, share, division, piece, small heap of meat, fish, etc.; to divide, portion out, cut in parts, make small heaps of. Bugsoá ang kárne sing waló ka atádo nga mamísos. Cut the meat in eight pieces of a peso-worth each. Bugsoí akó sing bále pisítas sináng atádo. Cut me off a peseta worth of that piece. Ibúgsò akó ánay siníng ísdà. Kindly cut up this fish for me. Binugsoán níya siá sing bále salapî. He cut him off a piece worth fifty centavos. (see híwà, gulút, gíray, giráy, dolón, atádo, túmpok).
Stake, post, upright, driven into the soil for a fence, etc.; to drive into the soil, plant a post and the like. Binúgsok na níla ang búgsok. They have driven the post into the ground. Bugsokí sing halígi iníng búhò. Set up a post in this hole. Ibúgsok mo akó ánay siníng kawáyan. Kindly drive that bamboo into the ground for me. Nagbúgsok silá sing Krus sa ibábaw sang linúbngan. They planted a cross above the grave. Ang solár nga pagapatindogán níla sang bág-o nga baláy nabugsokán na sing waló ka halígi. The ground on which they are going to erect the new house has already eight posts set up in it.
To harm, injure, weaken, enfeeble. Nabugtasán siá sa gútum, trabáho, úhaw, etc. He was weakened by hunger, work, thirst, etc. Indì mo pagbudlayón ang báka sing támà, kay básì mabugtasán. Don't give your ox too much work to do, lest he should come to harm.
Awake, waking; to wake, awaken, get up, rise, open one's eyes after a sleep, be aroused from sleep. Nakabúgtaw (nagbúgtaw) na siá?-Hóo, kay ginpabúgtaw ko siá. Is he awake now?-Yes, for I woke him. Búgtaw ka, kay ádlaw na. Wake up, for it is bright day. Pabugtawá siá. Wake him. Ginbugtawán níya yádtong gáhud. He was-waked,-woke,-woken,-wakened,-awakened,-roused, by that noise. He woke up at that noise. Ipabúgtaw akó ánay sa íya. Please wake him for me. Bugtawí sa buás ang paggalíng sang tubó. Rise tomorrow in time for the milling of the sugar cane. Rise very early tomorrow morning for the milling of the sugar cane. (see matá, pamúka, agáp).
(B) Brother, sister; to be brothers or sisters. Nagabulúgtò silá. They are brothers, they are sisters, they are brother and sister. Nagpakigbúgtò siá sa ákon. He treated me as a brother. (see útud).
To break, snap, part, sunder. Indì mo pagbugtoón ang písì. Don't break the string. Ginbúgtò níla ang talikalâ. They broke the chain. Indì mo paghúgton ang kalát sing támà, kay básì mabúgtò. Don't tighten the rope too much, for it may snap. Nabugtoán kamí sing kalát sang pálò. Our rigging parted. Nabugtoán akó sing isá ka góta. One of my traces snapped. (see búgras, útud, tígpò, lúgtas, lígtas).
A kind of shrub similar to dalógdog.
Only, solitary, exclusive, only specimen of the kind. Ang búgtong nga Anák sang Diós. The Only Son of God.
Hunchback, humpback, crookback; to be or make oneself very small, bend low, back down, show fear, be intimidated. (see bóktot).
A kind of shrub and tree.
(B) Wasteful, squandering, extravagant, thriftless, unthrifty, prodigal, improvident. Buhâ nga táo. A spendthrift.
See buhâ. Buhahâ siá nga táo. He is a squanderer, spendthrift, prodigal, (see maúdhà, mainusíkon, mahinguyángon).
Opening, gap, break, breach in a-dam,-dyke,-embankment,-levee, etc.; to open, breach a dam, etc. Buhángi ang kahón sang humáy. Make a gap in the bank of the rice-field. Ginbuhángan níla ang púnud sa subâ. They made a breach in the river-dyke. Ibúhang akó siníng púnud. Please, open this dyke for me. Nagasupón gid lang ang túbig dirí, kay walâ sing buhangán. The water, naturally, collects here, for there is no outlet.
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