A breach-, gap-, opening-, in a dam, etc.
Deed, work, performance, act, action; to do, make, perform, accomplish, execute, fashion, turn out. Buháti akó sing delárgo, baúl, binangón, etc. Make me a pair of trousers, a trunk, a bolo, etc. Ibúhat mo akó sing kálò. Kindly make a hat for me. Iníng lugár, konó, pagabuhátan níla sing isá ka dakû nga baláy. In this spot, it is said, they are going to build a large house. Sín-o ang nagbúhat sinâ?-Akó amó ang nagbúhat.-Ngáa man nga ginbúhat mo? Who did that?-I did it.-Why did you do it? Usisáon mo sing maáyo ang mga binuhátan sináng táo. Inquire well into the doings of that man. Iníng mga káhoy ibúhat ko sa ákon baláy. These trees I'll make use of to build myself a house. Indì ka magbúhat sinâ. Don't do that. (see hímò, túga). Figuratively: Búhat na kon ginapaúlan ka sang ságad língkod. Stand up and move about, if you are getting cramped from sitting long.
(B) Dim. of búhay. A rather long time, during a considerable space of time. Buháybúhay ang paghulát níya túbtub nga nadángat níya inâ nga palangakóan. He had to wait quite a long time before he got that position. Buháybúhay ang íya pagántos sang balatían. He had to suffer from the disease a considerable time. (see dugáydúgay).
(B) Presently, shortly, at once, in a moment, in-, within-, a short time. Karón buháybuháy hapítan ko ikáw. I shall presently call upon you. I shall visit you soon. Karón buháybuháy maabút ang koríyo. The mail will be in shortly, within a short time. (see dugáydugáy).
(B) Long protracted (of time); to tarry, to be or remain long, etc. Búhay na nga-. It is long since-. Nagbúhay ka sa pagbakál siní. You were a long time buying this. Nabúhay na nga naghalín siá. It is a long time since he left. Nabuháyan (nabuhayán) akó sa ímo dídto. You tarried a long time and let me wait there. Indì na mabúhay kag magaabút ang tingulán. It will not be long before the rainy season is here. (see dúgay).
A kind of creeper with edible roots.
Alive, live, living, quick, existent, not dead; to live, be alive; to live, stay, reside, have one's abode or residence, remain. Buhî nga táo. A live man. A vigorous, energetic, alert, active man. A "live wire". Ang mga buhî kag ang mga minatáy. The quick (living) and the dead. Buhî pa si Fuláno?-Hóo, buhî pa siá. Is N.N. still living?-Yes, he is living still. Kútub sang pagsulúd níya sa pagkamónha nagkabuhî pa siá sing napúlò ka túig. From the time of her entrance into the order she lived ten years. Ang pagkabuhî (pagkinabuhî) níla sa íla umá matáwhay kaáyo kag malinóng. They-are living,-live,-have lived, a very happy and quiet life at their farm. (see búhî, patáy-dead; puyô, lúntad, amoyóng, estár).
To bring back to life, raise to life, resuscitate, revivify, revive, restore to life; to be or get-free,-loose, to escape from confinement; to free, release, liberate, let go; to support, sustain, maintain. Buhíon mo ang bátà ko, kay kon índì, ambót sa ímo. Bring my baby back to life, for if not, I don't know what will happen to you. Ginbúhì liwát sang Aton Ginóo si Lásaro. Lazarus was raised to life again by Our Lord. Nakabúhì ang báboy sa tángkal. The pig got out of the sty. Buhíi (búy-i) ang mga báka sa buhián. Let the cattle roam about free-, loose-, in the pasture. Ginbuhían sang bátà ang píspis sa háwla. The boy let the bird out of the cage. Nabuhían na ang mga gintotón-an, ang mga binilánggò, etc. The students have been-dismissed,-given leave to depart (from the school), the prisoners have been set free, etc. Buhíi (búy-i) ang binángon. Release your hold on-, drop-, the bolo. Binúy-an (binuhían) níya ang tulún-an. He dropped the book. Siá amó ang nagabúhì sa íya mga ginikánan. He is the one that supports his parents. (see bánhaw, luás, gwâ, sagúd, agubáy).
Pasture, open field where domestic animals may graze and roam about free. (see burúy-an).
Diminution, reduction, deduction, subtraction, lessening; to lessen, diminish, reduce, deduct, subtract, take off. Nagaamát-amát sang búhin ang humáy. The rice is slowly getting less. Nakabúhin siá sang arína. He took off some flour. Ginbuhínan níya ang swéldo sang íya mutsátso, kay matámad, konó. He lowered, docked, the wage of his servant, for he is lazy, he says. Buhíni ang bilí siní, kay támà kamahál. Lower, cut, the price of this, for it is too dear. Ibúhin mo akó sing isá ka pásong nga humáy sa íya párte nga limá ka pásong, kay may útang siá sa ákon. Please, deduct one bushel of rice from his share of five bushels, for he is in debt to me. Iníng tambóbo nga may humáy walâ pa sing búhin. This rice-granary has not yet been touched (no rice has been taken from it). Nabayáran ko siá sa waláy búhin. I paid him in full (without haggling on my part or remission on his). (see pakulús, paisót, padítay, patikî, kúpus, íban).
Tax, duty, tribute, toll, license; impost; to pay a tax, etc. Nakabuhís ikáw sang sédula, contribusyón teritoryál, etc.? Have you paid your cedula-tax, land-tax, etc.? Húo, bág-o pa lang akó magbuhís sinâ. Yes, I paid it only a short while ago. Ginbuhisán níla ang idô. They paid their dog-license. Iníng kwárta ibuhís ko sa ákon gantángan. I'll use this money to pay the tax on my ganta-measure. Ginbuhís ko na ang ápat ka mángmang sa ákon sédula, kay nagparekárgo silá sa ákon (or naparekargohán akó níla) tungúd sang ákon pagkamoróso. I have paid the four pesos for my cedula, for they charged me double on account of my being behindhand,-in arrear,-my not providing myself with a cedula in due time.
Hole, aperture, orifice, depression, cavity, hollow, opening; to make a hole, etc. Buhói iníng tápì, láta, kahón, dútà, etc. Make a hole in this plank, tin, box, ground, etc. Binuhóan na níla ang bulugsókan sang baláy. They have already made the holes in the ground on which the house-posts are to be set up. Ibúhò akó ánay sing isá ka láta nga gátas, kay ilakót ko sa kapé. Will you, please, open a tin of milk for me, because I wish to mix it with the coffee. Pagwaá ang haló sa íya búhò. Get the iguana out of its hole.
A number of small holes; full of small holes, perforated, riddled. Ang báyò mo buhôbuhô-or-madámù sing buhôbuhô. Your jacket is full of small holes.
A small hole, shallow depression, perforation, pore. Ang mga buhôbúhò sang pánit. The pores of the skin.
See bohokón.
Ill-starred, unlucky; luckless, unfortunate, miserable, out of luck; to be or become unfortunate, etc. Nagbuisít ang íya pangabúhì. His life became miserable. Indì ka magbána sa kay Fuláno, kay básì mabuisitán ikáw. Don't marry N.N., for you may be miserable with him. Nabuisitán silá sa karón nga túig sa íla nga pangúma, kay diótay gid lámang ang íla pinatubás. They were unlucky this year with their farming for their harvest was very small indeed. (see waláy, swérte, maláut, sing, pálad-or-síng, kapaláran, etc.).
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