From bukâ-to cut open, etc.
To break open, burst (of an ulcer or the like). Ang hubág nga ginpapálì sang manugbúlung nagbuká liwát. The ulcer that was cured by the doctor has broken open again.
To open, cut open. Búk-a (bukaá) ang lubí. Open the coconut. Búk-i akó sing isá ka lubí. Open a coconut for me. Ibukâ akó ánay siníng lubí, kay ímnon ko ang butóng. Please, cut this coconut open for me, for I wish to drink the coconut-milk. (see balángkà).
Flower, blossom, bloom; to flower, bloom, blossom. Nagabukád na ang bákong. The bacong-lily is flowering. (see búskad, pamúskad, bukádkad, pamukádkad).
To blossom, bloom; flower. Sa búlan sang Máyo madámù nga mga búlak nagabukádkad (nagapamukádkad). In the month of May many flowers are in full bloom. (see bukád).
Dishevelled, rumpled, loose, unkempt, shaggy; to be or become dishevelled, etc. Nagabúkag ang ímo bohók. Your hair is dishevelled. Dî mo pagpabukágon ang ímo bohók. Don't rumple your hair. Nagabúkag siá, kay mabáskug kaáyo ang almidón sang íya mga panápton. He cuts an awkward figure, because his clothes are starched too much. (see bukágkag, págpag, burungáyngay).
See búkag, págpag, burungáyngay. Nabukágkag iníng bunáng. This yarn has become entangled. Dî mo pagpabukagkagón ang bunáng. Don't let the yarn become entangled. Táo nga bukágkag. A man who has his ideas in disorder, one with an ill-regulated mind.
The eggs of crabs. Those of the alimángo crab are much esteemed as food.
The ripe, burst-open pods of the camunsel tree; to become ripe, burst open (of the camunsel-fruit). Nagabukáka na ang kamúnsil. The camunsel-fruit is bursting open. Waláy ángay ang kasádya, ang kamúnsil kon mamúnga, ang mga soltéro kag dalága nagaalágaw sang bukáka. There is no pleasure equal to the time when the kamunsel-fruit ripens; when young lads and maidens fight for the burst-open fruit.
Bubble, froth, foam; to seethe, bubble, froth, boil. Nagabukál na ang túbig. The water is boiling. Sa tiémpo sang kólera ímnon mo ang túbig nga pinabukál kag pinabúgnaw sa bangâ. During an epidemic of cholera you should drink water that has been boiled and cooled in a water-jar. (see akálakál, sindakál, búlà).
Rough of speech, rough-spoken, coarse of manners; to be or become rough, coarse.
(H) To swell, become-swollen,-bloated,-inflated, to puff up, blow up. Ang balókhan sang báboy kon húypan (huyupán) sing kagíngking magabukálong. A pig's bladder, if blown up by means of a bamboo tube, will become a balloon. Ginkagát siá sang kamaláyo sa písngi kag nagbukálong. He was stung in the cheek by a kamaláyo-wasp and it swelled up. (see hábok, úkad).
To issue, come forth, spill, flow over. Nagabukálwà ang túbig. The water is being spilled or is flowing over. Nagbukálwà ang íya láway. Saliva flowed from his mouth (in a stream). Dílì mo pagpabukalwaón ang tinóla. Don't spill the sauce of the side-dish. Pabukalwaí ang báso sing diótay nga túbig, agúd magtínlò ang íya bibíg. Spill a little water from the glass, so that its edge may become clean. Pinabukalwaán níla ang lamésa sing tínta. They spilt some ink on the table. (see álwak, ályak, úlyas, úlyak).
To puff up, blow up, etc. See bukálong.
(B) To open, unfold, unclose, make open, remove any fastening or obstruction from, as to open a door, a box, a case, etc.; to begin, commence, open (a school, a bridge, parliament, etc.). Bukasí ang panteón. Open the mortuary niche. Binukasán (binúksan) akó sang ganháan sang batâbátà. The servant boy opened the door for me. Ibukás akó siníng puérta, baúl, bintánà, etc. Please, open this door, box, window, etc. for me. Sa buás nga ádlaw pagabúksan ang buluthóan. To-morrow the school will be opened. Classes will commence (begin) to-morrow. Nabúksan na ang bág-o nga táytay. The new bridge is now open (to traffic, etc.). (see ábri).
Summit, crest, top; hill, mountain. (see putókputokán, aliputokan, búkid, bakólod, pukatód).
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