The spike of some plants, as that of maize: the fruit of the buri-palm.
To have or form a spike (budiáwi) of flowers.
Trumpet, horn, bugle, sea-shell, conch that may be blown as a horn.
A kind of long, reed-like grass, also called bugáng.
Fatigue, hard work, toil, drudgery; to tire, require great exertions. Kon magkáli ka sing bubón pagabudlayón ka gid. If you dig a water-hole you will get very tired. Ginbúdlay or binúdlay níya akó. He tired me out, he required much work or great exertions from me. Indì mo siá pagbudlayón (pagpabudlayón) sing támà. Don't overwork him. Don't tire him out. Ginpangabudlayán ko sing dakû ang pagpatíndog siníng baláy. I had much work and trouble in putting up this house. Indì ka magdalá sing kahíkaw sa kinabudlayán sang ibán. Don't envy others what they get by much exertion. (see pangabúdlay, lúyà, rúyà, pául, kápoy, álay).
Protruding (of eyes); to protrude, stand out. Nagabúdlò ang íya mga matá-or-búdlò siá sing matá. His eyes are protruding. He is pop-eyed.
See the following búdloy.
The tip or end of tubers and other roots. Ginúbus níya sang káon bisán pa ang mga búdloy sang úbi. He finished even the root-tips of the úbi (uvi yam).
From búlung, búrung-to spin; to admire, be astonished, etc.
A kind of jelly fish.
(B) Taciturn, silent, of few words, not talkative, uncommunicative, shy, bashful, timid, retiring, keeping aloof from others out of caution or timidity. Budóng nga táo. A taciturn or timid man. Anó ang ginapabudóng mo? What makes you timid? Why are you so reserved or retiring? Indì ka magpabudóng. Don't be shy or timid, (see komód, mahípus).
See budiáwi, budióng.
(Sp. vuelta) Return, coming back; to return, come back, retrace one's steps. Sán-o man ikáw magabuélta? When are you coming back? Nakabuélta siá? Has he returned? Sa pagbuélta mo dálhan mo akó sing tinápay. On your return bring me along some bread. Huy, sapiór, bueltahón mo akó karón. Hi. chauffeur, come back and fetch me soon. Húo, pahulamón ko ikáw siníng maléta, ápang ipabuélta mo sa ákon sa madalî. Yes, I'll lend you this hand-bag, but mind and have it returned to me soon. Ari na ang maléta nga ginbuélta (ginpabuélta) níya. Here now is the handbag he brought (sent) back. Naglakát siá sa Ilóngílong kaína sang ága kag nagbuélta siá siníng hápon. He walked to Iloilo this morning and came back this afternoon or evening. (see bálik, paúlì, panumbalík, ógpot).
To go, walk or pass to and fro, be coming and going repeatedly. Anó ang ginabueltábuélta mo? What are you walking to and fro for? Why are you coming and going so often? (see balíkbálik).
(Sp. buena vista) A fine view; a kind of ornamental plant of various shapes and sizes and all with beautiful leaves, found in almost every house-garden.
(Sp. bueno) Good, well, all right. Buéno, tápus na. Good, that's all. Buéno, lakát na kitá. All right, let us go. (see maáyo).
Weight, heaviness, ponderousness, heftiness; to be or become heavy, weighty, ponderous, hefty. A, nagbúg-at na ang báboy. Well, the pig has become heavy now. Nagbúg-at na ang kárga ko, kay nagbínhod ang ákon abága. My load feels heavy, because my shoulder is benumbed. Nabug-atán akó sinâ. That was too heavy for me. Indì ka magpabúg-at sang ímo láwas kon mapatíbong ka. Don't let yourself be a dead-weight, when you are carried on a man's shoulders. Fig.: Indì ka magpabúg-at sang pangabúhì sang ímo mga ginikánan. Don't be a burden to your parents. Nagbúg-at na kaáyo ang íya pagbátì. His condition has become very serious. He is very dangerously ill. (see tágbong).
Of fat-, plump-, cheeks, having puffy cheeks; a kind of large, fat frog.
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