Dim. and Freq. of borók, bolók.
The cry of a hen. (see kákak, katákkaták-cackle; karakaták, kurukutúk-cluck).
(Sp. borron) Blot, blur, stain, smudge: to blot, blur, run, as ink on old paper or on blotting paper. Nagaborón ang tínta sa papél. The ink is blurred on the paper. Naboronán ang papél sang tínta. The paper was blotted with ink.
(B) To spin, etc. See búlung, búrung.
To blow or puff up or out, to inflate. Ang hángin nagabórong sang hábul, láyag, etc. The wind inflates the blanket, fills the sail, etc. Ang hábul, láyag, etc. ginabórong (ginaboróngan) sang hángin. The blanket, sail, etc. is being puffed out by the wind. (see baróngbaróng).
See borô-bórò-to bubble, simmer, hiss.
Operation, dissection, surgery; to dissect, cut open, operate upon, perform the caesarian operation. Bosbosá ang bátà sa kílid sang íya nga ilóy. Perform the caesarian operation. Bosbosí ang íya kílid. Cut him open at the side. Ibósbos iníng kotsílyo. Use this knife for the operation. Nabósbos na ang íya apéndise. His appendix has been cut out. Binósbos sang médiko ang íya apendisítis. He was operated upon by the surgeon for appendicitis.
To draw or pull out; to pretend to extract an alleged splinter, stone, etc. from a person's body in superstitious practices. Ang babáylan, konó, nagbótbot sing bató, inágsap, biníklan, etc. sa batíis ni Fuláno. The wizard, it is said, took out a stone, chip, splinter, etc. from the calf of N.N.'s leg. Ginbotbotán or binotbotán sang babáylan ang masakít nga bátà sing tátlo ka bató. The wizard removed three stones from the sick boy's body.
(Sp. bote) Small boat, skiff, canoe, gig, dory.
(Sp. botica) A drug store, an apothecary's shop, a chemist's shop.
(Sp. boticario) Druggist, apothecary, chemist.
(Sp. botiquin) Medicine chest.
(Sp. botella) Bottle.
(Sp. botín) Spatterdash, spats, leggings, gaiters.
Arm, forearm; to take by the arm. Ginbótkon níya akó kag dálhon sa higád. He took me by the arm and led me into a corner-or-dragged me aside.
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