Brood, clutch, hatch, young ones, applied to birds; to breed, get, have or produce young ones. Ang mungâ nga bolók amó ang nagbotó siníng mga pisô. The spotted hen is the one that hatched these chickens. Bág-o pa lang nabotó iníng mga pisô. These chickens were hatched only a short while ago. Walâ pa mabotó ang mga ítlog siníng mungâ. The eggs of this hen are not yet hatched. Ang mga binotó. The brood, young ones, young birds, chickens. Ipabotó iníng mga ítlog sa mungâ. Let these eggs be put under the hen. Pabotohí (pabótwi) akó siníng duhá ka ítlog sang páto sa ímo mungâ. Have these two duck's eggs hatched by your hen. Put these two duck's eggs under your hen.
To be full to bursting point, to throb as a sign of a near discharge from boils, ulcers, swellings, etc. Nagabótoy ang ákon hubág. My swelling throbs as if it were well-nigh bursting. (see báknal).
A fat, protuberant stomach.
See buyâ-tied below the waist, slovenly, etc.
To complain of ingratitude or the bad return made for benefits, to remind one of all the good done to one and the bad recompense received, to expostulate or remonstrate with. Ang bátà ginbóyboy sang íya ilóy. The child was taken to task by its mother for its ingratitude. Boyboyá siá. Expostulate with him. Reprove him for his ingratitude or remonstrate with him about the wrongness of his conduct. (see túmboy).
(Sp. brazo) Arm, especially the upper arm; arm of an arm-chair and the like. (see bótkon, bútkon, halambúyan).
(Sp. brindis) Drinking one's health; a toast.
(Sp. brisca) A game at cards.
(Sp. brocado) Gold or silver brocade.
(Sp. broche) Brooch; clasp; locket.
The soft pulp or meat of a sprouting coconut; a kind of malignant tumour; prolapsus uteri.
Increase, augmentation, progeny, offspring; to augment, increase, multiply. Ang kalabánan sang mga kágaw nagabúad sa támà nga kadásig. Most of the microbes multiply very rapidly. Iníng túbig nabuádan (nabuáran) sing madámù nga úlud. Many worms have been bred in this water. Ang mga báksat kag bitík dílì makabúad sa táo nga matínlo sing láwas kag panápton. Bugs and fleas cannot breed on a man that keeps his body and clothes clean. Amó iní ang ginabuáran sang mga báboy. This is the place where pigs are raised. Amó iní ang ginapabuáran ko sing mga báboy. Here I am breeding pigs. (see pamúad, buluarán, pabuluarán).
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