(B) To wean. Binútas na ang bátà. The child is weaned. Butása ang bátà. Wean the child from the breast. (see lútas).
To visit, frequent; go to school. Buthoá ang masakít, ang buluthóan, ang ímong tíyò, etc. Visit the sick person, go to school, pay a visit to your uncle, etc. Nagabúthò siá sa ámon dirí sing makaisá sa tágsa ka simána. He visits us here once a week. Ibúthò akó ánay sang ákon nánay. Please pay a visit to my mother. (see dúaw, bisíta).
Cracked, split open, burst; to pop, burst with a sound, as maize when roasted in a pan, etc. Nagbutî ang maís. The maize burst. Pabutiá ang maís. Let the maize burst. Pop the corn. Buót ka magkáon sing butî sang maís? Do you like to eat popped corn? (see bitî).
Dim of butî. To pop, burst, said of corn, etc., when roasted.
To tell others, make public, let out-, betray-, secrets, divulge. Indì mo pagibútiag ang mga sekréto. Do not divulge secrets. Ibútiag sa íla ang íya nga ginhámbal. Tell them what he said. Ginbútiag níya ang íla kasugtánan nga tinágò. He announced their secret agreement. (see bantálà, pahibaló, paháyag, pabántud, pabalahúbà).
A kind of white pimple or small swelling. Madámù ang butíg nga nagtúbò sa íya láwas. Many white pimples appeared on his body. (see púnggod).
A lie, falsehood, untruth, deception, invention, fabrication, perversion of the truth, prevarication, fib; to lie, tell lies, misstate, misrepresent, belie, pervert, distort, prevaricate, palter, shuffle, fence, mince the truth, invent, fabricate, trump up, concoct. Indì ka magbutíg. Don't tell lies. Indì mo akó pagbutigán. Don't lie to me. Indì mo pagibutíg sa íya ang imo nga ginhímò. Don't tell him lies about what you did. Ginbutíg lang níya inâ. He simply told a lie about that. Butíg gid iní; índì akó magpáti. This is certainly a lie: I don't believe it. (see bákak).
Lies, untruths, invented stories. Butígis lang ang íya nga sinúgid. What he told were mere stories, inventions, fabrications. (see butíg).
(Sp. botín) Buskin, brogue, halfboot; gaiter, spatterdash; booty of war, spoils. (see butítos).
Very full or satisfied after partaking of a hearty meal; to be full, satiated, gorged, glutted. Butíngting na akó. I have eaten my fill. Nagabutíngting na akó. I am quite full. Pabutingtingá ang búsung mo. Eat your fill. (see busúg).
To jump, spring, strike (as a snake). Ang mán-og nagbútiog sa ákon, ápang walâ makaábut. The snake made a jump at me, but did not reach me. Binutiogán kag binúntug siá sang isá ka mán-og. A snake struck at him and bit him.
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