Collision, impact; to collide, run into, run against something with force, cause an impact, knock down. Gindalasâ siá sang áwto. He was knocked down by the automobile. Andam ka, agúd dílì mo siá pagdalasaón. Be careful not to run into him. (see dagasâ).
To visit, to pay a visit of condolence. (dáraw id.).
(H) To buy cereals, especially rice or corn. Dalawáta ang bugás ko. Buy my hulled rice. Dalawáti akó sing isá ka gántang nga bugás. Buy me a ganta of hulled rice. Indì ka makadaláwat dirí sing humáy, kay walâ sing makapadaláwat. You cannot buy rice here, because nobody can sell it. Idaláwat akó ánay sing tátlo ka gántang nga maís. Please buy for me three gantas of corn. Iníng písos idaláwat mo sing maís. This peso is for buying corn. This peso is to buy corn with. Walâ akó sing ikadaláwat. I have no means to buy rice (corn, etc.) with. Padalawáta akó sang ímo humáy. Sell me your rice.
To extend, stretch out, creep along the ground, as creepers. Ang biká nagdaláwdaw. The bica-vine has spread over the ground. Nagadaláwdaw ang mga ógbos sang mga balágon. The shoots of the vines are creeping along the ground.
(H) Obtainable, receivable; wages, earnings; chance, scope. (see dáwhat, dalayháton).
A kind of bird. (darawídaw id).
(H) Promenade, walk, esplanade, park for recreation and promenading. (dayándáyan).
A kind of Philippine orange tree with small fruit, whose sour juice is pressed out and made use of for cleaning the hair and scalp, for taking stains out of clothes, and the like. Butangán mo sing daláyap ang ímo báyò agúd magtínlò. Apply daláyap to your jacket to clean it.
(H) Amenable to flattery, one who likes to be flattered or praised; pompous, self-important. (dayáw, apót).
(H) Praiseworthy, estimable, meritorious, laudable, commendable. (dáyaw).
To stroke, rub, massage slowly,-gently,-in even, regular strokes, plain, simple (of speech). Idaláyday akó ánay sang ákon likód, kay ginasíkmat akó. Please rub my back gently, for I have rheumatic pains. Daláyday-or-dinaláyday nga hámbal. Prose, plain (not poetical) speech. (see dagáyday).
Obtainable, etc. See dalawháton. (see dáyhat).
(H) Pl. form of dáyon. Nagdaláyon silá sa ákon baláy. They stayed at my home. Also adjective: Continuous, constant, persevering; always. Daláyon gid lang nagagáhud iníng mga bátà. These children are always so noisy. (dáyon).
(H) Residence, house, inn, hostel, hostelry, lodging-house, hotel, lodgings, any place where one can stay or remain for sometime. (see dáyon).
An adze; to use or apply an adze. Daldagí ang káhoy. Use an adze to trim the wood. (see wásay-hatchet).
To beat against, strike upon, push, impel, force on, shove, drive (said of wind, waves, etc.).
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