To talk in one's sleep. Ginadamán (Nagadamán) siá. He talks in his sleep. Ginadamán siá sang íya nga sugilánon kaína. He is repeating in his sleep his conversation of a short while ago. (see súmat).
(H) A spider.
(B) Dim. of damáng. Also: Anything resembling a spider.
(Sp. damasco) Damask, figured silk stuff; a kind of very thin and transparent cloth; fine thread or yarn.
A dream; to dream. Anó ang dámgo mo or anó ang gindámgo mo? What was your dream, what did you dream? Gindámgo níya ang íya pagkabátà. He dreamt of his childhood. Gindámgo lang níya inâ. He merely dreamt it. It is only his fancy. (see dalamgohánon).
To begin to eat or graze, start taking other food than milk, said of a baby and of a young animal. Nagadámgot na ang bátà, tínday. The baby, the calf, is now commencing to take other food than milk. (see lánggot).
To fall upon, attack with one's arms, etc. See hámag.
That is to be licked or taken in with the tongue. Walâ gid silá sing damhúyan (damhuyán). They have nothing to eat.
Cold, stiff; to be or become cold. Nagdamíg na ang minatáy. The corpse has become cold. Damíg na siá. He is cold and stiff. (see ramíg).
To be preoccupied, engrossed so as to neglect one's personal appearance, have no time to attend to dress or convention on account of overwork, etc. Nagadamílhay gid lang siá. He is so engrossed that he pays no attention to dress. He neglects his appearance, is slovenly or carelessly dressed.
Quick, fast, indistinct (of speech); to speak fast and indistinctly, babble, gabble, jabber. Damilí ang íya nga hámbal or damilí siá sing hámbal. His speech is fast and indistinct. Nagadamilí siá kon maghámbal. He speaks indistinctly. Walâ akó makasáyod sang íya nga gindamilí. I could not understand his babble, jabbler. (see garót).
Farewell, valediction, goodbye, leave-taking; to take one's departure, take one's leave, say adieu, bid goodbye. Nagdamílit (nagpanamílit) siá sa ákon. He took his leave of me, said goodbye to me. Nagpamanílà siá nga walâ gánì magdamílit sa ákon. He went to Manila without saying goodbye to me. (see paadiós, paálam).
See damílmil. Nagadamílot gid ang lúnang sa nawóng sang bátà. The mud on the child's face is quite thick. Indì ka magpadamílot sang ímo báyò. Don't let your jacket become covered with dirt.
A pile of grain, heap of rice, collection of cereals, rice or other cereals gathered in a heap; to collect grain in a heap, etc. Sín-o ang nagdamiság sang humáy? Who put (heaped) the rice together? Damisagá ang humáy, agúd índì maglápta. Gather the rice in a heap so that it may not be dispersed. Ang tambóbo amó ang ginadamisagán sang humáy. The rice-shed is the place in which rice is stored (in a heap). (see túmpok, túmpi, típon).
A kind of small fish.
Frequented, much resorted to, haunt of many, visited by many; to frequent, haunt, resort to, visit often. Dílì gid damít sang táo iníng lugár. This place is but seldom visited by human beings. Nagadamít siá sa ámon baláy. He is a frequent visitor at our house. He often calls on us. (see daní, gamít).
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