See padánò-to tell stories, lies, etc.
A kind of tree with red flowers. Its wood is worthless even for fuel.
To cast-, throw-, heap-, put-, on the fire. Idáp-ung na lang sa kaláyo iníng gabúk nga káhoy. Throw this rotten wood on the fire. Dap-ungí ang kaláyo siníng mga inágsap. Feed the fire with these chips. Cast these chips on the fire.
A hand breadth, a palm, the width of the palm of the hand or of the four fingers.
A handful; to eat by handfuls; to slap with the open hand or palm. Idapál lang ang kán-on. Just eat the rice by handfuls. Ihátag mo sa íya ang isá ka dapál nga kán-on. Give him a handful of rice. Hípus ka; kay kon dílì dapalán ko ang bábà mo. Be silent or I will slap you on the mouth.
Fit, meet, due, right, proper, becoming, that should or ought to be done as a moral obligation, frequently to be translated simply with: should, ought; to fit, adapt, use, apply, befit, beseem, become, behoove, be right, be one's due, be expected, be the proper thing to do. Dápat ka magbúhat sinî. You should do it. You ought to do it. Inâ ígò kag dápat. That was (is) fit and proper or as it should be. Dílì gid dápat iní. This certainly is not-becoming,-proper,-the right thing to do. This is wrong entirely. Idápat nímo iní sa ímo kinahánglan. Apply this to your need. Dapáti sing salúg ang ímo kosína. Have a floor laid down in your kitchen. Gindápat níya ang ganháan sing maáyo. He closed the door altogether. Gindápat sang pánday ang ganháan sing maáyo. The carpenter fitted the door well. Dapáta ang puertáhan. Shut the door close. (In this last sense see ángkop, háop, háom) Gindápat níya ang ísa ka plántsa nga sin sa atóp. He put a sheet of galvanized iron on the roof. (see ígò, ángay).
Fitted, adapted, accommodated, furnished or trimmed with, adjusted, closed well, joined well. (see dápat).
Dim. of dápat-usefulness, etc. (see agúdagúd).
A small insect often to be found in hens' nests and causing a peculiar itch, if it gets on human skin. Also verb. Butangí sing ádgaw ang pugarán sang ímo manók, agud índì pagabután sang dápaw or agúd índì pagdapáwan. Put some adgao-leaves into your hens' nests, so that the dápao-insect may not infest them.
To rub or massage lightly, apply gentle friction, stroke. (see daláyday,
For dapogán, etc. from dapóg-to smell.
Dim. and Freq. of dápì. Nagadapî-dapíay silá nga duhá. The two of them are walking-arm in arm,-side by side,-hand in hand.
To applaud, clap hands, strike the palms of the hands together. (see palákpak, pamalákpak).
To waft, bear-, carry-, along (of wind). Ang hángin nagadápia sang kahumút sang mga búlak sa ámon baláy. The wind wafts the fragrance of the flowers to our house. (dápya id.).
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