To injure, lacerate, etc. See dús-il.
To impel, push, poke, shove, thrust, crowd, wedge, squeeze. Gindás-og akó níya sa díngding. He squeezed me against the wall. Idás-og lang sa higád ang mga panápton nga mahígkò. Shove the soiled clothes into the corner. Dasogí lang ang kátre sang mga ulúnan. Just poke the pillows into the bed. (see dís-og).
To act-thoughtlessly,-light-heartedly,-foolishly,-impetuously; to walk noisily over boards, stamp the feet on the floor, etc. (see dalás, dasôdasô, tabinás, hinalî, dásdas, yásyas, pundágpúndag, pusádpúsad).
Dim. and Freq. of dásay. Ginadasáydásay níya ang íya paglakát, pagarádo, etc. He walks, ploughs, etc. rather quickly. (see dalîdálì, dasíg-dásig, dakíndákin).
To be quick, do something with speed or promptness, hasten, etc. Dasíga ang paglakát mo. Walk quickly. Quicken your pace. Gindásig níya ang íya trabáho. He performed his work with despatch. Nagadásig na siá sang íya pagtikáng. He is now stepping out briskly, walking fast. (see dásay).
Dim. and Freq. of dásig-to be quick, etc.
From dasók-to cram, etc.
To risk, hazard, venture, chance, expose oneself, to rush into danger without reflection, be rash, foolhardy, reckless, thoughtless, temerarious. Indì ka magdasô sa mga karabáw nga nagasúngay. Don't be foolhardy going near buffaloes that are fighting. The Dim. and Freq. dasôdasô is more in use.
Dim. and Freq. of dasô. Kon magdasôdasô ikáw magkádto dídto ambót kon anó ang mahanabû sa ímo. If you are reckless enough to go there, I don't know what will happen to you.
To cram, ram, wad, stuff, fill, pack, press-, squeeze-, in. Dasoká ang sulúd sang maléta. Pack the contents of the suitcase tight. Dáski (for dasokí) ang ulúnan ko sing dúldul, kay buút akó sang matígdas. Stuff the pillow tight with cotton, for I like a hard one.
Following, subsequent, coming after; to ensue, succeed, follow as a sequence or in succession; to come-after,-later,-next, etc. Magadasón ka balá sa ákon sa pagkádto sa Ilongílong? Shall you follow me later in going to Iloilo? Nagadasonáy silá. They are following each other. Dasón siní --. After this --. Ipadasón mo sa íya ang káro. Send the cart after him. Ang kátay dinasonán (dinásnan) sang isá ka matahúm nga beláda. The parade was followed by a beautiful entertainment, play. (see sunúd).
From dáut-to injure, harm.
(H) To put-, place-, set-, upon (as on a block or some similar support). Idát-og ang líog sang manók sa tapalán, kag laboón. Place the chicken's neck on the block and chop it through. Kon magbíal ikáw sing gatóng, dat-ogí iníng káhoy. When you split firewood, lodge it on this piece of timber. (see dát-ol id.).
See dát-og. Nadat-olán siá sing mabúg-at nga káhoy. A heavy piece of timber-fell upon him,-pressed him down,-crushed him.
(Sp. data) Expense, expenditure, outlay, out-go, disbursement; to expend, spend, pay out. Idáta ko lang iníng isá ka búlig nga ságing sa ákon útang sa ímo. I will give you this bunch of bananas as part payment of my debt to you.
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