(B) Smell, odour, scent, emanation, exhalation, fume, redolence; to give out or emit an odour, to smell, be redolent, etc. Iníng bíno may dapóg nga gas. This wine smells of petroleum. Iníng bíno tínto nagadapóg sing tandúay. This red table-wine has a smell of tandúay. Ang dapóg siníng mga bátà dáw kánding. These children smell like goats. Nakadapóg akó sang pagsánlag sang kapé. I smelled the roasting of coffee. Nadápgan ko ang áhos nga ímo kináon. I smelt the garlic you had eaten. (see báhò, panimáhò, sínghot, panínghot).
See ákmol, ápol-to coat with, incrust.
To apply a-salve,-ointment,-plaster, etc. to rub, stroke, scratch. Dapolása ang hubág, ang bútkon, etc. Put a plaster on the boil, the arm, etc. Dapolási siá sa likód. Put a plaster on his back. Idapólas iníng bulúng sa íya pilás. Use this medicine to treat his wound. (see háplas, hapúlas, hámpul, támbal, dáplas, apóhap, kálot).
(B) To join, unite, associate with, to lay-, put-, lump,-hang-, clap-, together. Idápon mo ang ákon báka sa ímo nga karabáw sa pagpahálab. Take my cow along with your buffalo to the pasture. Dápni (dapóni) ang íya bugás sang ímo, kay íya tig-angón sa panyága. Put your rice with his, for he is going to boil it for dinner. Dinapónan kitá níla sa áton kalípay. They joined us in our merriment. Indì mo pagpadapónan ang ímo bátà sing kaupdánan nga maláut. Don't permit your child to associate with bad companions. (see ímpon, símpon, tingúb, dápò).
To do jointly with somebody else (using his tools, etc.). Nagdapón akó sang ákon talahíon sa íya nga baláy. I did my sewing together with her in her house (using her sewing machine, etc.). (see dápon).
See dápia, dápios, dápiot.
(B) See dalá. Dárha, dárhi, etc.-dálha, dálhi, etc.
(B) See dála-to bear, etc.
(B) See dalâ;-to fester, etc. Nagadarâ ang talínga sang bátà, kay natohógan sang arítos. The child's ear is festering on account of the ear-ring hung from it.
(B) To prattle, prate, gab, gabble, rattle on, talk much, be loquacious, garrulous, so that nobody has a chance to put in a word. Nagadaraákan siá. He talks incessantly, is a great chatterbox. Gindaraakánan níya akó túbtub sa kataká or túbtub nga naták-an akó. He rattled on till I got sick of it. (see búrà).
Uneasiness, anxiety, worry; to be or become uneasy, etc. Hinúgay sang darába, kay índì man mabúg-at ang pagbátì sang ímo anák. Do not worry, for your son is not seriously ill. (see dalamúnon).
Uneasy, worried, fluttered, nervous, anxious, disturbed, having misgivings or apprehensions. Also verb. Darabáhan siá (nagadarabáhan siá) tungúd sang balatían sang íya amáy. He is worried over the sickness of his father. Darabáhan (ginadarabáhan siá) sináng tabû. He is made uneasy by that event. (see darába, dalamúnon, darámnon, índì, malibútay, etc.).
(B) See dalagílon id.
(B) A kind of plant.
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