Of extraordinary size or strength, terrific, enormous, gigantic, huge. May napúlò pa lang kag tátlo siá ka túig, ápang daw dámpug na. He is only thirteen years old, but looks like a giant.
Overshadowing, lowering, threatening, terrible, fearful, awful, terrific, gigantic; of evil omen or impending misfortune. (see dámpug, makahahádluk, makakulúgmat, makalilísang).
(H) etc. See dámò, damô, damóg, damókol, etc.
(H) To stain, soil, etc. See damúli, búlit, etc. Nadamulítan akó sang lúnang. I was covered with mud.
To be light or clear, to shine, etc. See sánag.
Pool, puddle, piece of swampy soil, small collection of water in a hole or depression as seen after a heavy shower of rain; to form puddles or pools. Nagadanáw ang túbig sa dálan or ang dálan ginadanawán sang túbig or may mga danáw sa dálan. The water is making puddles on the road.
To weave plain cloth without cross-stripes and consequently without the necessity of changing the colour of thread in the shuttle; the method of weaving without cross-stripes. Ang paghabúl níya sang patádyong dándan gid lámang. Her weaving of the skirt is (was) done without cross-stripes i.e. just straight on, quickly. Dandaná lang ang paghabúl, agúd madásig. Simply weave the cloth straight on without cross-stripes, so that it may soon be finished. (see dalándan-to fly down-stairs).
Bright, conspicuous, visible from a far distance, gaudy, garish, showy, flaunting, glaring, flaring, vivid; to be bright, etc. Nagadángdang ang íya báyò, ang mga búlak siníng káhoy, ang duág sang íya baláy etc. His jacket is of a bright colour, the flowers of this tree are very showy, the colour of his house is visible from a great distance, etc. (see dagáang, dagángdang, dánggà).
To reach, obtain, acquire, get at, receive, take hold of, win, procure, secure, gain. Makadángat ka balá sinâ or madangátan mo balá inâ? Do you think you can obtain-, secure-, that? Amó na inâ ang makaloló-oy nga kahimtángan nga dinangátan níya. That is the pitiable plight he is reduced to. Idángat mo akó siní. Kindly obtain this favour for me. Walâ sía makadángat sang íya katuyoán. His plan did not succeed. Buháta iní túbtub sa ímo madangátan. Do this according to the best of your abilities. Do it as well as you can. (see lámbut, dáb-ot, ámbit).
The span of the hand between the tip of the thumb and the tip of the middle-finger. (see balángit-the span between the tip of the thumb and the tip of the fore-finger).
To swim; ford a deep river, etc., using one's arms and hands somewhat like an oar in alternate strokes on the left and right.
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