The day after to-morrow, two days hence.
(B) To clean, wash, wipe (one's face). Damoí ang nawóng mo. Wash your face. Dinamoán mo na ang ímo písngi sang túbig? Have you wiped your cheeks? (see panghilám-os).
(H) To be-, become-, many, augment in numbers, increase, multiply. Nagdámò ang mga táo, háyop, etc. The people, cattle, became numerous. Kon buót ka nga magdámò ang ímo mga ábyan, tabángan mo sing malolóy-on ang mga nalísdan. If you wish to have many friends, compassionately assist those that are in trouble. Damóa ang mga mamumugón, bató, kawáyan, etc. Increase the number or get a large number of workmen, stones, bamboos, etc. Nadamóan or nadám-an akó sing mga páhò sa karón nga túig. This year I had many mangoes.
Wash, mash, swill, food for animals especially mixed food as given to pigs and dogs; to feed animals, particularly pigs and dogs. Idamóg na lang iníng kán-on nga pán-os sa idô. Just give this stale rice to the dog. Nagtámbok gid ang íya báboy, kay dinamogán níya sing madámù nga maís. His pig got very fat, for he gave it much corn. Padamogí ang idô. Get somebody to prepare the food for the dog. (see dalamugán-feeding-trough,-bowl)
A scuffle, tussle, broil, fray, shindy, confused fight or tumult; to scuffle, tussle, fight tumultuously or confusedly. Nagadamokoláy silá. They are having a free fight. Tambagí ang mga bátà nga nagadamokoláy. Separate the boys that are quarrelling, scuffling, mixing in a fight. (see pakigáway, nga, malapúyot).
To lie about in disorder, pell-mell, put in a disorderly way, disarray, jumble, litter, mess, huddle, muddle, higgledy-piggledy, topsy-turvy. Nagadamókol gid lang ang íya mga panápton. His clothes are lying about in great disorder. Husáya ang ímo panápton sa maléta, índì mo pagdamokólon. Arrange your clothes neatly in the handbag, don't throw them in anyhow, higgledy-piggledy. (see dúm-ok, hál-id, lághit, háb-on).
Thickness (of a board, sheet, etc.); to be or become thick. Nagdámol ang búnbun dirí, kay nagbahâ ang subâ kagáb-i. There is quite a thick layer of alluvial sand here, because the river was in flood last night. Utda ang tápì sa nadamólan. Cut the plank at its thickest part. Ginadamólan akó siníng hénero. This cloth is too thick for me or appears to me rather thick. (see madámol, kadámol, dákmol).
Dim. and Freq. of damót. Also: To collect, gather (vegetables, one's thoughts or ideas, etc.). (see panuláon).
To beat, strike, slap, etc. See dapál, sámpal, sámpay.
See dápit-to invite.
Towards, in the direction of. See dapít, náyon, áyon, dámpi.
To join, associate with, etc. See dápon.
A dark cloud, shadow; phantom, anything the presence of which intimidates or inspires fear; to pursue, follow or be present at (ready to take sides or interfere), dispirit, discourage, daunt, check. Walâ silá makamáy-om nga sa malayô nagapaháyag na ang maitúm nga dámpug sang kalisúd. They could not guess that in the distance a dark cloud of impending trouble was appearing. Nagdámpug siá sa íla nga pagsúay, pakigáway, etc. He was present (and acted as a check) on their quarrelling, fighting, etc. Dampugí silá. Go after them. Pursue them. Be present at their meeting (in order to daunt them, interfere if necessary, etc.). (see gál-um, pangánod, túgpa, támbong, lagás, páhug).
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