Dim. of dángaw. Also: A kind of insect that is not poisonous; a wasp-like insect.
See dángdang.
To blow or beat upon with full force, drive against without obstruction, said of wind. Ang hángin nagadánggas sang baláy. The wind strikes the house with full force. Ang ámon kamálig sa umá ginadanggasán sang hángin. Our field-hut is being buffeted by the wind. (see ábong).
Open to the wind, unsheltered, having no screen or wind-break, exposed to the wind. Ang ámon baláy danggásan. Our house is exposed to the wind. (see dángkal).
To be weaned, begin to take solid nourishment. See dámgot id.
A kind of tree.
A kind of small salt-water fish.
To remain near or at the side of, watch, tend or be constantly present at a sickbed or the like. Indì ka magságad dangô sa masakít nga táo. Don't be always near the sick man. Ang bátà nagadangô sa íya ilóy nga nagamasakít. The child is constantly tending or watching her sick mother. (see tangó).
Scales, scab, scurf, forming on wounds or ulcers, during the healing process. Hugási ang dángog sang ímo butí. Bathe the scabs of your smallpox. (see kugán).
See padangól.
etc. From dángat-to reach, obtain, etc.
To take-refuge,-covert,-sanctuary,-shelter, seek-an asylum,-safety,-protection,-relief, have recourse to, approach-, go to-, for help. Dángpi siá. Go to him for protection. Have recourse to him. Nagdangúp siá sa ákon. He took refuge with me, came to me for help. Dinángpan sang masakít nga táo ang hospitál. The sick man sought relief in the hospital. Ipadangúp mo ang lalúng sa hospitál. Have the injured man seen to at the hospital. (see áyop, pakitábang).
(B) Frequented, often visited, resorted to; to resort to, frequent, haunt. Ang daní dirí makasáyod sinâ. Those who often come here know that. Ang mga nagapangúma nagadaní sa tiénda. Farmers often visit the shop, store or market. Magdaní ka sa bánwa. You should often come to town. (see damít).
To be soft and flabby as fatty animal tissues, to be slippery, flaccid. Nagadánlak ang támbok sang báboy. Pork fat is soft and flabby. (see dánlug).
Slipperiness, greasiness; to be or become slippery, greasy. Nagdánlug ang dálan tungúd sang ulán. The road has become slippery on account of the rain. Padanlugá ang lapgósan, agúd mabúdlay ang pagsákà. Make the pole greasy, so that it may be hard to climb. Nadanlugán akó siníng dálan. This road is too slippery for me.
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