To make as if to strike, to lift up one's arm, a weapon, stick or the like (as if to strike). Ihayáw ang ímo kamót. Lift up your hand. Hayawí (Hayawá) siá sang ímo bastón. Threaten him with your stick-or-Brandish your stick (before) at him. Indì mo paghayawán (paghayawón) sang ímo kamót ang ímo ginikánan. Don't raise your hand against your parents. Ginhayáw níya sa ákon ang íya binángon. He raised his bolo at me. (see bayáw, tukháyaw).
To lay or lie down straight, horizontally. Indì mo paghayhayón ang ímo pamatáng, kóndì bangíli sing ulúnan ang úlo mo. Don't lie down quite straight, but place a pillow under your head.
To attract, take one's fancy, please, draw towards, allure, induce. Naháylo akó siníng duág. I am pleased with this colour-or-I like this colour. Ginaháylo akó siníng mga bulák. I am attracted by these flowers. Pahaylohá siá. Draw him over, (win him by persuasion). Ipaháylo mo sa íya iníng karabáw, agúd nga íya báklon. Convince him of the good qualities of this buffalo, that he may buy it. Ang bátà ginpaháylo níla sang tinápay, agud nga índì magupúd sa íya ilóy. They gave the baby some bread to induce it not to accompany its mother.
Familiar name, pet-name, term of endearment; to use a pet-name, etc. (among relatives and friends). Ginahayô sa íya ang Ipíng sa lugár sang Felípe. He is familiarly called Ipíng instead of Philip. Ginahayoán siá sing Imóng-or-nga Imóng. His pet-name is Imóng (Maximo). Amboy amó ang hayô ni Páblo (sang ngálan nga Pablo, sang "Páblo"). Amboy is the familiar name for Paul. (see bánsag-nick-name).
To swing the arms in walking. Ang kalabánan sang mga táo nagaháyon kon nagalakát. Most men swing their arms when walking. Iháyon ang mga bútkon mo. Swing your arms to and fro. (see hágyon).
Dim. and Freq. of háyon. (see hagyónhágyon).
A domestic animal (chiefly buffaloes, cattle and horses); live-stock.
Dim. of hayúb. Any kind of tent or shelter without walls. (see payágpáyag).
(Sp. general) General, common; general (of an army).
(Sp. genero) Cloth, stuff, textiles. (see hinabúl).
(Sp. jefe) Chief, head, leader, superior, commanding officer. Hépe sang polisía. Chief of Police. Siá amó ang hépe sang báhin sang katínlò. He is Chief of the Bureau of Health. (see pangúlo).
A kind of grass with round, botton-like seeds.
(Sp. hierbabuena) Mint, peppermint: a medicinal plant.
(Sp.) A kind of plant.
(Sp.) A kind of plant.
(Sp. Jesucristo) Jesus Christ.
(Sp. Jesus) Jesus.
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