A kind of palm. See hídyok id.
Peace, calm, tranquillity, concord, harmony; to be at peace, live tranquilly, be on friendly terms with. Ginahidaítan na silá sang íla mga kaíping. They are now living at peace with their neighbours. Nagahidaitáy silá. They are living in harmony. "Himáyà sa Diós sa kahitás-an kag paghidáit sa mga táo nga maáyo sing kabubút-on". "Glory to God in the highest and peace to men of good will". (see dáit, linóng, húsay, táwhay).
July. (see Húlyo).
Desire, longing, yearning after, home-sickness, nostalgia; to wish to see absent friends, home, etc., long, yearn after, have at heart, feel home-sick. Ginakahidlawán siá sang íya nga ilóy. His mother longs for him. Nagakahídlaw siá sa pagtán-aw sang dútà nga íya nataóhan. He wishes to see the place of his birth. He is home-sick for his native land. (see mahídlaw, kahídlaw, himúlat, lúyag).
To like to see, recognize. Ang bátà maálam na maghídlaw. The baby now begins to recognize people and is glad to see acquaintances.
To remember, think of, recollect. (see dúmdum, hilinumdúman).
A kind of palm resembling the coconut palm in its fronds, but quite different as to its fruit.
(H) Side, edge, rim, border, corner, verge, margin, outskirts, place away from the center. Sa higád sang dálan. At the side of the road. Nagapanghigád silá sa dálan. Nagalakát silá sa higád sang dálan. They are walking at the side of the road. Sa bisán diín nga higád--. Anywhere--. In any out-of-the-way place. (see binít, báid, hilít, soók, toók, doók, pamúsud, bígki, bíbì).
Lust, lewdness, unchastity, uncleanness, impurity, immodesty, indecency, impudicity, carnality, salacity, lechery, lasciviency, lasciviousness, obscenity, lubricity; to be or become lewd, lecherous, unchaste, impure, lustful, immodest, indecent, unclean, carnal, salacious, lascivious, obscene. Indì ka magpahigál. Don't be lewd. (see úlag, bígà, bíghal, bígsang).
(H) To lie down, lay oneself down, go to bed, stay in bed, take one's bed, keep one's bed, go to sleep, pass the night. Maghígdà ka. Lie down. Naghígdà silá dídto. They slept there (passed the night there). Pahigdaá ang bátà sa kátre. Lay the baby down on the bed-or-Let the baby sleep on the bed. Ihígdà ang kasakít sang ímo úlo. Lie down to ease (take away) your head-ache. Higdaí lang ang ákon kátre. Just lie down on my bed. (see batáng, hínggà).
(H) Bed, couch, sleeping accommodation; that is suitable for lying down upon. (see hígdà).
To cleave, split, rend, tear, sunder, break asunder (cloth, etc.); open a way through a crowd, make a passage. Naghígin ang ákon dáan nga báyò, kay ginpapák sing lakás sang labandéra. My old jacket was torn, because the washerwoman beat it too hard. Higína ang mga táo sa dálan, kay maági ang trak. Part the people on the road for the truck will pass. Naghígin ang mga táo sa dálan sang paglubás sang prosisyón. The people on the road cleared the way when the procession passed. (see háwà).
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