An addition of one or more rooms to a house with corresponding extension of the roof, an extension, a lean-to. Also used as a verb. Padorósi ang ímo baláy sing duhá ka padóros magtímbang sa toó kag sa walá. Add two wings to your house, one to the right and one to the left. Ang kalabánan sang mga padóros siníng bánwa naátpan sing lángkob. Most of the lean-toes in this town are roofed with split bamboo.
To turn up one's eyes, so as to show the white of the eyes. Nagapadorós siá sang íya mga matá. He is turning up his eyes. Indì mo pagpadorosón ang ímo mga matá. Don't turn up your eyes. Padorosí siá sang ímo mga matá sa pagpáhug sa íya. Turn up your eyes at him, in order to intimidate him or make him afraid. Nagpadorós lang siá sang íya mga matá kag nabúgtò ang íya ginháwa. He just turned up his eyes and breathed his last. (pa, dorós).
To husk, shell, shuck (corn, beans, etc.). Padpará ang maís, kadiós, etc. Shell the corn, the cadios-peas, etc. (see kokót).
(Sp. padre) Father, Reverend Father, Priest. Maáyong ága, pádre. Good morning, Father. Si Pádre Felipe--. Father Philip--. Ang Pádre Kura. The Parish Priest.
(Sp. padrón) Census, poll, official enumeration of the inhabitants of a country.
To increase, augment, add to. Padugánga lang siá sing písos. Just make him pay one peso more. Nagapadúgang siá sang íya útang. He is increasing his debt. Ginpadúgang pa gid ang íya nga kalisúd sang kamatáyon sang íya hinigúgma nga anák. His troubles were added to by the death of his beloved child. (pa, dúgang).
(H) To prolong one's stay, stay on, make a long stay, stop long, tarry, linger, remain on, let remain or cause to stay a long time. Nagpadúgay siá sang íya pagpuyô dídto. He prolonged his stay there. He stayed there for a long time. Padugáya ang ímo bátà sa koléhyo. Let your child stay at college for a long time. Pinadugáyan níla iníng buluthóan sa íla nga anká. They let their child remain a long time at this school. Indì ka magpadúgay sang ímo paglúntad dirâ sa íla baláy. Don't stay (stop) long at their house. (pa, dúgay, pabúhay).
Contrivance, means, way, machination, etc.; to contrive, etc. (See padihútan, pahitôhítò, rikobíkos, etc.).
To send, transmit, have transported or conveyed, despatch, forward, remit, order to take, bring, carry, ship. Ipadúl-ong mo iníng maléta nákon sa Ilóngílong. Send this handbag of mine to Iloilo. Padul-ongí akó dirí sing yélo. Send some ice to me here. Padul-ongá siá sang ákon pinutús sa baláy. Let him take my parcel to the house. Ipadúl-ong ko sa ímo ang tátlo ka sáko nga kalámay sa Manílà. I am going to forward three sacks of sugar to Manila through you. (pa, dúl-ong).
Towards, in the direction of; to go towards or in the direction of. Nagkádto siá padúlong sa búkid. Nagpadúlong siá sa búkid. He went in the direction of the mountains (towards the mountains). (pa, dúlong).
To be heedless, stubborn, act as if one were deaf, be deaf to, be unruly, untractable. (see paganót, pabungúl, batinggílan, dìmanínggol).
Caus. of dulúg-to join side to side, put down parallel to, etc.
Caus. of dúlug-to stop.
See padangól-to cram a big cigar into the mouth.
From padungúg-to honour, etc.
To honour, give honour to, revere, venerate, esteem, appreciate, reverence, bestow honour upon, respect, exalt, extol. Ginapadúnggan náton ang mga Sántos. We venerate the Saints. Pinadúnggan níya si Fuláno sing dakû. He treated N.N. with great honour. He honoured N.N. greatly. Walâ gid silá magpadungúg sa íya. They showed no respect for him at all. (see dungúg).
Caus. of dúsngal-to wound, lacerate, etc.
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