Caus. cf gápus-to fetter, bind, shackle, tie. Kon magbátok siá ipagápus mo siá sa polís. If he resists have him bound by the police.
To show off, be stuck-up, be ostentatious, assume airs, be proud or haughty, be pretentious or presumptuous. (see gárbo).
A kind of tree.
Caus. of gáwad-to get at a price, etc.
Separate, disjoined, broken up in pieces; to be or become broken up, etc. Pagáypay na ang píghol nga kán-on, ang bilóg nga kalámay, etc. The lump of rice has been broken up, the compact mass of sugar has crumbled, etc.
To heat, burn, bake (as clay in making earthenware); to burn various kinds of shells to make lime for betel-nut chewing. Nagapágba silá. They are making lime for betel-nut chewing. Ginpágba níla ang mga olokabá sang tamburúkò. They made lime of the tamburuco-shell. Pagbahí áko sing banág. Make me some lime of the banág-shell.
Rafter, a large roof-beam, a principal.
Order, law, command, will, regulation. Ang hágnà sang bág-o nga pagbulút-an--. The project or scope of the new law--. Madámù nga mga tinugyanán nagabalábag, agúd iníng pagbulút-an índì mapakamaáyo. Many representatives are making opposition, in order that this law may not be approved. (buút). (see ley, kasogoán).
A fish with a long bony tail, a kind of skate.
Caus. of gíhit-to move, etc. Ginpagíhit níya akó sang síya. He ordered me to move the chair. Pagihíti akó sang lamésa dirí. Get somebody to shift the table here for my convenience.
To look out stealthily, etc. See under gimáw.
Caus. of girím-to protrude a little, etc.
Caus. of giyán-desire, craving for.
A prefix used like pag-, but with the difference that pagka-is more used with intransitive verbs, e.g. sang pagkadúlà sang íya pányo--. When her handkerchief was lost--. But: sang pagdúlà níya sang íya pányo--. When she lost her handkerchief--. pagka-is also frequently employed in the formation of abstract nouns, e.g. pagkalisúd, pagkasádya, pagkagayón, pagkataohánon, etc.-distress, cheerfulnes, beauty, human nature, etc.
Property, wealth, assets, material possessions. (butáng).
Aversion to work, laziness. (see búdlay).
Indifference, carelessness, heedlessness, (see pagkawalaymapinasapayanón, pagkadilìmasinapakón).
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