To show the face or best side of a thing, to display to advantage, put the best or nicest (wares, fruits, etc.) in the front or top-row.
Diversion, holiday; display; to have a good time, go in search of pleasure or amusement, to divert oneself. Diín ka makádto?-A, makádto akó sa pagpaguyágúya. A, nagapaguyágúya lang akó. Where are you going to?-Oh, I am just looking for some diversion. I am just going to see if there is any fun going on. (see guyáguya).
Caus. of gúyguy-to drag, haul, etc.
Caus. of gúyud. To let-, make-, order to-, haul or drag along, etc. Paguyúra ang karabáw sang kawáyan. Let the buffalo pull the bamboo. Paguyúra na lang akó sang kon pilá ka paggúyud ang kinahánglan mo pa túbtub nga maúbus pagdalá dirí sa ímo baláy ang duhá ka gatús ka nahót nga kawáyan. Let me now haul in as many hauls as you may need yet to complete the job of bringing here to your house the two hundred pieces of bamboo. Hóo, ipagúyud ko sa ímo, kon magkasugtánay kitá sa nahanungúd sang sóhol nga ibáyad ko sa ímo. Yes, I will get you to haul in (the bamboo), if we can come to an agreement about how much I have to pay you for the freightage. Sa tápus ang tágsa ka paggúyud papahuáya ang karabáw kay índì siá mapagúyud sing lángkoy. After each haul give the buffalo a rest, because it cannot be made to haul continuously (without a break).
To let or order to go off, remove, send away, turn out, cast out; expel, eject, evict, drive out, throw out, put on the stage, produce, show, give a performance. Pagwaá ang idô sa simbáhan. Drive the dog out of the church. Ginpagwá sang párì ang mga bátà nga nagahibî sa sulúd sang simbáhan. The priest sent the children out that were crying in church. Pagwaí akó sing tátlo ka nahót nga tabákò. Put out three cigars for me. Ipagwá ang tinágò mo nga álì nga tabákò. Bring out your hidden best cigars. Buás magapagwâ silá sang bág-o nga talan-áwon nga sinulát ni Fuláno. To-morrow they will stage the new play written by N.N. (pa, gwâ).
To loosen up earth, etc., cause to expand or swell; to hill (a plant). Pahabóka ang dútà. Loosen up the earth. Pahabóka ang talóng. Pahabóki ang talóng sing dútà. Loosen up the soil around the eggplants. Ipahábok akó sang balókhan sang báboy. Blow up the pig's bladder for me. Be kind enough to inflate the pig's bladder for me. Ginpahábok níya sa ákon iníng dútà. He ordered me to loosen up this ground. (pa, hábok).
To frighten, scare, intimidate, horrify, overawe, make afraid, alarm, dismay, affright, terrify, terrorize, cow, daunt, raise apprehensions, inspire or excite fear, put in fear. Pahadluká ang bátà. Make the child afraid. Ipahádluk sa íya ang idô, ang inpiérno, etc. Frighten him with the dog, with hell, etc. Ginpahádluk níya ang bátà, agúd maghípus. He intimidated the child to make it quiet. (pa, hádluk).
To make easier, assuage, mitigate, alleviate, soothe, allay, comfort, soften, palliate, relieve, moderate. Pahagánhagána ang íya nga kalisúd. Assuage her grief. Console her in her distress. Ipahagánhágan sa íya nga kasubô iníng maáyo nga balítà. Soothe her sorrow with this good news. Ang bulúng nga gindápat sang médiko nagpahagánhágan sang íya sakít. The remedy applied by the doctor eased (lessened) her pain. (pa, hagánhágan).
Caus. of hágyon-to swing the arms, etc.
(A modern term) Consonant. (see maáthag-mítlang-vowel).
A piece, tear, rent, rip, split, crack, chink, fissure; torn, rent, fissured, broken, ripped, sundered, split, burst, riven, cracked. (see páhak).
To tear, rend, sunder, rip, split, burst, rive, crack. Napáhak ang ákon delárgo. My trousers were torn. Ginpáhak níya ang íya patádyong. She tore her skirt. Paháka lang iníng dáan nga tabungós, kay bularán ko sing humáy. Rip open this old tabungós-basket, for I will use it to spread and dry rice upon.
To urge on, to quicken, etc. Pahaláha si Hosé sang karabáw. Tell José to make the buffalo go quicker (by shouting "halá" to the buffalo) in order to make him walk fast). (pa, hála), (see padalî).
(H) To let graze, feed, browse, crop the grass, to pasture, etc. Pahalába ang mga karnéro. Drive the sheep to pasture. Pasture the sheep. Ipahálab iníng hilamón sa mga kánding. Let the goats feed on this grass. Pahálbi iníng talámnan sang mga báka. Let the cattle graze in this field.
Memorial, commemoration. (see palanumdumánan).
Caus. of haláy-to put (clothes, etc.) on a line, etc.
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