To remove to a far distance, put far away. See palayô.
To withdraw, retire, go aside, go to the edge or rim or outer side of, be of retired habits, lead a retired life; to put aside, etc. Pahilít ka-or-magpahilít ka. Step aside. Withdraw to the side. Stand aside. Nagpahilít siá sa búkid. He withdraw to the mountains. Ipahilít mo ang síya. Put the chair away. (pa, hilít).
To snooze, fall asleep, take forty winks, slumber; let another take a short nap. Sa tápus ang panyága nagapahilónghilóng siá. After dinner he usually takes a short nap. Papahilónghilongá siá. Let him snooze a little.
To let massage, go to a massagist, to have kneaded, rubbed, slapped, pressed, stroked. Mapahílot akó sa manughilót tungúd sang ákon síkmat. I will go to see the massagist about my rheumatism in the back. Pahilóta ang médiko sang ímo balî nga batíis. Let the doctor massage your broken leg. Ipahílot mo sa manugbúlung ang ímo bátà nga masakít. Let your sick child be massaged by the doctor. (pa, hílot).
Caus. of himánsag-to solemnize, celebrate, keep, hold (a memorial service or memorial day, etc.), to praise, honour, exalt. Pahimansagá (ipahimánsag) ang handumánan sa kay Risál. Celebrate the memorial day in honour of Rizal. Solemnize the Rizal memorial day. (see bánsag).
To be or become quiet, still, noiseless, motionless, keep still. Pahimúnong or magpahimúnong kamó. Be quiet. Don't move or stir or make a noise. Papahimunónga ang mga bátà. Make the children keep quiet. (pa, himúnong).
See pahimúnong. Pahimuyónga-pahimunónga.
Caus. of hínà. To lessen, make scarce, decrease, cause to fall off (sales, income, etc.).
To live, get a living, work for a living. Anó ang íya nga pahína? What does he live by? How does he earn his livelihood? (see pangítà).
To snooze, etc. See pahilónghilóng. (see patulúgtulúg).
Ways, means, contrivance; to find ways and means, to contrive, make efforts or take steps to accomplish. Nagapahítò pa siá, agúd makakítà sing mga galastóhon sa íya baláy. He is still trying to get the wherewithal to pay for his house. Pahitóa na gid ang pagpatíndog sang ímo bág-o nga baláy. Make serious efforts now to build your new house. (see padíhut).
Dim. and Freq. of pahíto. Ways, means, contrivance, efforts, machinations, dealings, transaction, artful design. (see padihútan).
Drudgery hard work, occupation; to keep busy, give much to do, bother, molest, pester. (see híya).
(H) Full of mangoes. Lugar nga pahóan. A place where mangoes growing abundance. Táo nga pahóan. One rich in mangoes, possessing many mango trees.
Regard, formality, consideration; to be formal, polite, considerate. (see pamahóngpahóng).
To put off till tomorrow; to postpone, procrastinate. Indì mo pagpabuasán ang ímo mabúhat karón. Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do to-day. (pa, buás).
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