To charge interest (often 50%). See sagáhay. Ginpasagaháyan (pinasagaháyan) níya ang humáy nga ákon ginútang sa íya sing napúlo ka gántang ang pásong. For the rice I borrowed from him he charged me ten gantas interest on every bushel.
A rectangular oblong quadrangle; lumber in square pieces; squared logs and beams ready for sawing. (see kasílo-a square).
Caus. of sagúmboy-to drag, draggle, trail on the ground.
Extraordinary, remarkable, notable, exceptional, uncommon, noteworthy, unwonted, outstanding, excelling, not common; to be extraordinary, do something in an extraordinary way, etc. Ginpasahî gid ni Fuláno ang pagpabúnyag sang íya bátà. N.N. had his baby baptized with extraordinary solemnity. Ginpahimánsag níla ang kaadláwan sang íla pándut sa pasahî nga mga kasadyáhan. They celebrated their feast-day with extraordinary manifestations of joy.
Causative of sákà. To ascend, go-, come-, up, etc. Also: Irrigation. May pasákà ang ímo talámnan? Have you irrigation on your land? Pasakáan mo sing túbig ang ímong umá. Get an irrigation system for your fields. Irrigate your lands.
To be on a ladder or stair and come up, to ascend, come up a flight of stairs, or the like. Mga sín-o yanáng nagapasakâ? Who are those people that are coming up the stairs? (see sákà).
To cause or give mental pain, to pain, hurt, wound, afflict, distress, grieve. Indì ka magpasákit sang ímo ginikánan. Indì mo pagpasakíton ang ímo ginikánan. Don't grieve your parents. Don't give your parents pain. (pa, sákit).
To cause physical pain. Iníng bulúng nagapasakít sang ákon hubág. This medicine makes my ulcer smart, hurt, pain. (pa, sakít).
Caus. of sákup. To be or become subject to, enlist, enroll, submit to, enter a society or corporation, etc.; to admit or receive as a member or subject, let join or order to join. Nagpasákup-or-napasákup siá sa mga konstabuláryo. He joined the constabulary, became a member of the constabulary. Ipasákup mo ang ímo anák sa isá ka maáyo nga talapuánan. Let your son join a good society or company.
(B) To remain, stay at home, be left-, stay-, behind. Pasálà ka lang dirí, índi ka magupúd sa ámon. Stay here, do not come with us. (see pabílin).
Caus. of sála-to be delirious, talk nonsense.
Caus. of sálà-to filter, etc.
Thanks; to thank, give-, return-, thanks, be grateful for, be much obliged for; to receive a gift, to accept without payment. Magpasalámat kamó sa Mahál nga Diós. Pasalamátan nínyo ang Mahál nga Diós. Give thanks to God. Pasalamáti lang iníng diótay ko nga iamóma sa ímo. Please accept this little present (treat). Ginpasalamátan níya sing madámù ang mga páhò nga pinadalá mo sa íya. He was very grateful for the mangoes you sent him. (see salámat, bálus, kabaláslan).
Freq. of sálig. Also: Surety, bond, pledge; title, diploma; testimony, assurance; to assure, cause to have trust or confidence, etc. (see palíg-on).
Caus. of salikâ-to straddle, etc. Bulígi kamí sa pagpasalikâ sa íya sa gahúm. Help us to put him in office (power, into the saddle).
Heedlessness, carelessness; thoughtlessness; to be heedless, careless, do or perform thoughtlessly. Ginpasalipakpakán lang níya ang paghámpang sang ahedrés kag napiérde siá. He played chess carelessly (without attending to the game) and lost. Indì mo pagpasalipakpakán ang ímo mga sulát. Don't write letters without thinking of what you are putting down. (see pasapayán, pasaburák, pasipákpak, taláktalák).
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