Laziness, indolence; to be lazy, indolent, to idle away the time in useless diversions or amusements. (see ligóy, támad, tinamád, haráyháray).
To carry-, bear-, on the shoulders, to shoulder, undergo. Pas-aná lang iníng kawáyan. Carry this bamboo on your shoulder. Papas-aná (Papas-aní) ang bátà sing káhoy. Let the boy carry some wood on his shoulders. Si Hesús nagpás-an sang mabúg-at nga krus. Jesus bore (carried) the heavy cross. (see dalá, pangabága, ántus, batás).
(Sp. pasar) To pass; to become tainted or spoilt (of meat, overripe fruits, etc.); to lose flavour or taste. Walâ gid akó pagpasahí sang páhò. I am always fond of mangoes. I am never tired of eating mangoes.
To hand over from one to another, to extradite, to deliver under custody from one place to another; to pass repeatedly from one person or place to another. (see pasár).
Caus. of sábak-the lap, the bend or hollow formed at the junction of the body and legs when sitting down. To cause to-, order to-, put in one's lap, request to be taken on the knees of another. Pasabáka siá sang bátà. Let her take the baby on her knees. Pasabáki si tátay. Let father take (Ask, request father to take) you on his knees.
To hinder, obstruct, prevent, impede, embarrass, forefend, put obstacles in the way, thwart, baffle. Pasablagí ang íya paglakát. Impede (hinder) his going (away). Prevent him from marching away (off). (see sáblag).
Caus. of sáblay-to put clothes on a line, etc.
Indian summer, a spell of fine weather that occurs at about the middle of the rainy season (during the month of August or September). The pasabláy usually lasts about a fortnight.
Half-ripe, applied chiefly to coconuts and indicating a stage between being quite ripe (láhin) and very young (malasíp-on).
Caus. of sábnit-to snatch, seize.
Caus. of sabúd-to coil, twist around, etc.
Caus. of sábud-to sow. Pasabúra (-úda) na ang ímo umalágsa. Order your tenant to sow (rice).
To revolve or turn round, especially in dancing, to pirouette. Pasábud kamó. Spin around. Turn around in circles. Ginapasábud níya si Fulána. He is spinning around with Miss N.N. Also used metaphorically. Tadlungá lang ang ímo hámbal, índì mo pagpasabúron (pagpasibúdon, pagpasibúron). Talk straightforwardly and not in circumlocutions. Do not beat about the bush. (see pasíbud).
See pasaburát.
To have no regard or concern for consequences, do or say something regardless of whether it is good or bad, be indifferent to. Ginapasaburát mo lang ang dungúg ni Fuláno. You are apparently unconcerned about N.N.'s reputation. Indì mo pagpasaburatán ang pagdúplà sa salúg. Don't spit on the floor so unconcernedly-or-regardless of good manners. (see pasabúyat, pasapayán, pasaburák).
See pasaburát.
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