(B) Riddle. See paktákon.
(B) See pararúdhan id. (see patuhádtúhad).
(B) To end, stop, etc. See paláw.
A boat propelled by sails and oars and fitted with outriggers; an outrigger.
(B) Rich in rice, one that has extensive rice-lands, a rich rice-farmer. (see humáyan).
(Sp. fardo) Bale, batch, bundle, pack, package, parcel, fardel, bottle-, truss-, of hay. Isá ka párdo nga tabákò. A bundle of tobacco containing about thirty "manóso", which see. Isá ka párdo nga bunáng. A bundle of yarn containing about thirty "ágpang".
(Sp. parejo) Equal, alike, same, identical, exactly similar; to be alike, treat alike or in the same manner. Parého lang. It's all the same. It makes no difference. Parého gid lang iní sa ákon. It is all the same to me. It makes no difference to me. Parého silá sing batásan. Parého ang íla batásan. Their ways or manners (conduct) are the same. Parehóa (Parehóha) silá nga tanán sang patrabáho (pagpatrabáho). Make them all work without distinction. (see amó, súbung, katúlad, kaángay, túpung, tupúng).
Priest, Father, Reverend; Parish Priest, Rector; to become a priest. Si Párì Albérto. The Rev. (Reverend) Father Albert. The Rev. Albert. Fr. Albert. Sógò inâ sang Párì. Such is (was) the order of the Parish Priest. Those are (were) the Father's orders. Nagpárì na si Fuláno. N.N. has become a priest. (see Sp. pádre).
A pretended or false priest, a religious impostor.
(B) To wash one's hands, etc. See libánaw, ribánaw, hunáw, hináw. Paribanáwi (Paribánwi) ánay ang kamót mo. Wash your hands first. Paparibanáwa (Paparibánwa) akó sa planggána mo. Let me wash my hands in your wash-basin.
(B) To cut to an angle or point, to taper. See palígwis, palágwis.
To flutter, upset, confuse; to be fluttered, excited, in a hurry, to bustle about. Anó ang ginapárik mo? What is upsetting you? Why are you in such a hurry?
To return, come-, go-, turn-, back. See bálik.
Dim. and Freq. of párik. Also: to move about in every direction, walk to and fro excitedly.
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