(Sp. pápa) The Pope, Roman Pontiff. Ang Sánto Pápa. The Holy Father. Ang Sánto Pápa amó ang salíli ni Hesukrísto kag ílis ni San Pédro. The Holy Father is the Vice-gerent of Jesus Christ and the successor of S. Peter.
To make hot, sultry; to expose oneself to heat. (see páang).
A bamboo stretcher; a bamboo platform used for treading out rice and the like, any square bamboo frame made in the form of a hurdle or of a table-top. (see liyálíya, linasán, bayáw-báyaw).
To strike with a flat piece of wood, the palm of the hand or the like; to beat cotton. Papaká ang íya abága. Slap him on the shoulder. Ginpapák níya akó. He struck me with his open hand. He slapped me.
Caus. of pálì. Also: to apply a remedy to a wound in order to heal it.
Caus. of pámbo-to bleed from the nose.
To do something that provokes criticism, to disgrace oneself, to commit a fault or misdemeanour others will talk about and remember for a long time. Paúlì ka na; índì mo ipapánding sa mga táo ang ímo kahulúgbon. Go home now and don't let the people see that you are drunk. Indì ka magpapánding sa mga táo. Don't give the people just cause for censure (criticism). (see pandinganán).
To ruin, destroy, demolish utterly, extirpate, get rid of. Papása ang mga ságing sa pamulákan. Get rid of the bananas in the flower-garden. Ginpápas sang kaláyo ang baláy. The fire consumed the house utterly. Napapásan iníng lugár sang mga lubí. The coconuts in this place were utterly destroyed.
Food, fodder, nourishment; emoluments, material benefits. (see pagkáon, pangabuhián, pangítà, palanginán-an).
(Sp. papera) Mumps; goiter, goitre. (bayóok).
See hánghang-steps or notches (cut in a coconut-palm, etc.).
Wide open, large (of a wound, etc.). (see bábha, wáwha, wáng-*wang).
To let-, make-, order to-, elect or choose, be a candidate, offer oneself for a post, etc. Sánday sín-o ang mga nagapapílì? Sánday sín-o ang mga palapilián? Who are the candidates? Ang mga manogpapílì nagapalamákud na sang íla pagpapílì. The candidates for election are strengthening their candidatures. Pilía. Choose. Kon akó ang papilíon--. If I were allowed to choose--. Papilía siá kon anó ang íya lúyag. Let him select (choose) what he likes. (see pílì, pumilílì, palapilián, piniliáy).
Refinery. Papinohán-kalámay (Papinohán sang kalámay). A sugar refinery. (see píno (Sp. fino)).
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