A twist, coil or kink in a rope, yarn, cable, or the like; to kink, etc. Nagputók ang kalát. The rope has knotted, kinked (potók id.).
The top, summit, peak, brow, highest point of a mountain, hill, etc. (see alipokpokán).
Very irascible, quarrelsome, bad-tempered, getting angry very soon and for a slight reason, void of consideration for others and for their views. Putóng siá sing buút. He is narrow-minded. (see pikón, tarádyon, ádyò, kutóskutós).
Dwarf, runt, pigmy; dwarfish, pygmean, short, small, undersized, low of stature.
Small, young, tender, soft, immature (said particularly of fruit).
A small or undersized cat; humorously used of small persons.
To exert oneself, make great efforts, do with zest and zeal. Nagaputóypútoy siá sang pangabúdlay sa umá kag ang íya kinitáan ginasugál lang sang íya asáwa. He spends himself working on the farm and his earnings are gambled away by his wife. Nagaputóypútoy siá sang kádlaw. He laughs with great glee or enjoyment. (see himúd-os, panikasúg, paningúhà, patáypátay).
(Sp. putero) A stallion that runs after every mare he sees.
(Sp. puchero) A dish of boiled meat with vegetables, sauce, spices, etc.
A fish-trap, a small fishing net.
From putús-to enwrap, etc.
Irascible, etc. See putóng.
A small bundle, package or parcel; to pack, wrap up and fasten together, make a parcel. Pútsa (putusá) ang ákon panápton. Wrap up my clothes. Make up my garments into a parcel. Make a bundle (parcel) of my clothes. Pinutús nga tabákò. Tobacco-leaves made up in bundles. Iputús ko iníng papél sa tinápay. I'll wrap this paper round the bread. I'll wrap the bread in this paper. Ipaputús mo sa sologoón ang ákon inogílis nga panápton. Order the servant to pack my change of clothes. (see baláhos, bágtong).
A young or small fruit, etc. See pútot.
Stopped, discontinued, ceased, finished; to stop, discontinue, desist, stay, give over, end, break-, leave-, off, finish, make an end of, cease. Puút na ang ulán-or-nagpuút na ang ulán. The rain has stopped. Pút-i (puutí) na lang ang pagsulát mo. Stop writing. Magapapuút pa akó sang ulán kag ugáling malakát akó. First I shall let the rain stop and then I shall set out (shall go away). Pinút-an siá sang mga buyóng. He was stopped (waylaid) by the robbers.
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