To throw down or drop with some force, push with impetus (boxes, parcels, loads carried on the shoulder, etc.); to ram, drive or strike against something with force. Indì mo pagipúsdak ang kahón, kóndì pahigdaón (pabutángon, pabatángon) mo sing mahínay. Don't drop the box, but put it down gently. Indì nínyo pagpusdakán ang salúg sináng mga sáko nga may sulúd nga bugás, kay básì mabálì ang síntas. Don't fling the sacks of rice down on the floor, for-the floor-beams might break,-you might break the floor-beams. Nagubâ ang baúl, kay pinusdakán níya siníng mabúg-at nga káhoy. The trunk was crushed, for he threw this heavy piece of wood on it.
A mass, cluster; to form a-compact mass,-cluster, to be near-, close-, to come or gather close-, together, be or lie in a heap or mass, collect in a heap, huddle together. Nagapúsgò gid lang yanáng mga bitóon. Those stars form a veritable cluster. Ang mga sáhà sang dágmay, ságing, etc. nagapúsgò sa íya púnò. Dágmay-layers, banana-suckers, etc. grow in clusters around the parent stem. (see púnsok).
(Sp. fusil) Rifle, gun, musket, carbine, firearm; to fire at (on), to shoot with a rifle or firearm, pot, bring down with one's gun, etc. Pusilá ang píspis. Shoot the bird. Pinusíl sang polís ang buyóng nga buút magpalágyo. The policeman shot the brigand that wanted to run away. Indì mo siá pagpusilón. Don't shoot-, fire at (on)-, discharge your gun (rifle, piece) at-, send a shot after-, him. (see lúthang).
To spirt, spurt, etc. See púswit, busawák, súmpit.
To breathe through the nostrils, snort, emit (eject) air with some force through the nostrils, as an angry buffalo, or the like. Ginpusngahán siá sang karabáw. The buffalo got wild and snorted at him. Kon magpúsnga ang karabáw madalî na lang inâ manúngay. If a buffalo snorts in anger it will soon start attacking with its horns.
To strip of leaves, etc. See póspos.
(Sp. posta) Bet, wager, stake; to bet, lay, lay a wager, put on. Pustahí ang manók ko nga mapulá sing tátlo ka mángmang. Stake (put) three pesos on my red cock. Ipústa ko ang ákon karabáw. I'll bet my buffalo. Pilá ang pústa mo? What is your stake? How much did you stake? (see tayâ).
The calf of the leg. (see busúgbusugán, batíis).
See pósò, posô. Also: A kind of rice-dish.
Corner, recess, nook; navel; navel-string, umbilical cord; to make corners. Napusúdan mo na ang tabungós? Have you made the corners of the tabungós-basket? Sa púsud sang hulút. In the corner of the room. Butangán mo sing abó ang púsud sang bátà. Put some wood-ash on the baby's navel.
Slushy, miry, wet, soft (of mud, dirt, etc.); to be soft, slushy, etc. The composite form pusútpúsut is more commonly used.
See póswit, poswít-póswit-to spirt, etc. (see púswak).
Dim. of púta.
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