The ear with husks and silk of the maize or Indian corn; to form or develop the ear (of maize); to gird on, put on or attach to a belt a sword, bolo, revolver, or the like; to put a pen, pencil, or the like, behind the ear; to hang on a nail or peg. Isókbit sa ímo páha ang tagúb sang binángon. Attach the bolo-scabbard to your belt. Ginsókbit níya ang binángon. He fastened the bolo on his hip. Isókbit (sokbitá) ang lápis sa ímo dalúnggan. Put the pencil behind your ear. (see táklus-to gird on; sáb-it, sád-ang).
Bamboo-splints for wicker-work, to cut bamboo splints, split off bamboo-splints. Sokdapá ang kawáyan. Make bamboo splints. Split the bamboo into splints. Sokdapí akó, kay marára akó sing amákan. Cut bamboo-splints for me, because I am going to weave a bamboo-mat.
To strike or push against something above. Sokdolá sang bagát ang haló dirâ sa kisamí. Jab the pole against the iguana there on the ceiling. (see sóndol).
To put on a garment, slip into a dress, don, cloth, array, dress, robe, enrobe, attire, garb, apparel. Isóklob ang báyò mo. Put on your jacket. Soklobí ang bátà sing báyò. Put an outer garment on the child. Dress the child. (see soób).
Travelling case, clothes-basket, box, chest (of wicker-work).
See sókmà, sóknà, súkmat-.
(H) See sókmà id.
Anything that stiffens or strengthens, as an upright, crossbeam, brace, or the like. (see talimáskog, balískog, bokóg).
(B) To measure clothes, fields, or the like. Ginsóklan kang mananáhì ti báyò ang bátà nga diá. (Gintáksan sang manugtábas sing báyò iníng bátà). This boy was measured for a jacket by the tailor. Sókla ang heneró nga báklon kadiáng súkì ta (siníng áton súkì). Measure out the cloth our customer is buying. Ginsókol nánda ang plása. (Gintakús níla ang plása). They measured the public square. (see sokób, takús).
A young, immature mushroom.
To demand payment, collect debts, to dun. Sókta siá sang íya útang. Collect his debt. Demand payment of his debt. Isokót akó sang útang níya sa ákon. (Sókti akó sang íya útang sa ákon). Collect from him his debt to me. Panokót (Sokót) ka dídto. Collect the debts there.
To put or place under, push underneath, slip on garments, a ring, etc. Isóksok ang lápis sa sulúd sang kwadérno. Put the pencil into the composition book. Isóksok ang báyò mo nga bág-o pa lámang nahumán. Slip into the newly-made jacket. Ginsóksok níya ang kwárta sa ulúnan. He pushed the money under the pillow.
From sokót-to collect debts, etc.
A plant. See salámyog id.
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