Cover, shelter, protection, privacy. Ang paggináhud sang mga bátà (sang kabatáan) sa plása walâ gid sing solondayón (húsà) sa ámon baláy. Our house is exposed to all the noise of the boys on the public square. (see sorondayón, húsà, lipúd).
(B) To see, look at, inspect, view. Sólnga diá. (Tan-awá iní). Look at this. Nagsolóng tána kang síne. (Nagtán-aw siá sang síne). He went to see the motion pictures. Nakasolóng akó kahápon kang beláda. (Nakatán-aw akó kahápon sang beláda). I saw the entertainment yesterday, i.e. I was present at it. (see sulúng, páslong (pasolóng), bilíd, tán-aw, túluk, himútad, mulálong).
See súlung-to pay duty, etc.; to defy, etc.
See sulúng-to shine through, be transparent. Nagasolóng ang dugô sa íya mga písngi kag bibíg. The blood shines through his (her) cheeks and lips.
Every Saturday. (see sarasabádo).
Weekly, every week. (see sirisimána).
(Sp. solfeo) Sol-fa, solfeggio, solmization; to solfa, practise tonic sol-fa, take lessons in singing.
To press or force upon, to insist on another's accepting or receiving something offered him. Isólsol sa íya iníng mga ságing, páhò, etc. Insist on his accepting these bananas, mangoes, etc. Solsolá gid siá sa pagpadáyon sang íya pagkamanunúon. Press him to continue his profession of teaching. Ginsolsolán níya akó sing pílak. He insisted on my accepting some money. He made me take some money. He forced some money on me.
(Sp. soltero, -a) Single, a single man or woman, unmarried. (see láy-aw, pamatán-on, olitáo, dalága).
A piece of rope fastened to the ankles and used for climbing trees, posts, etc. (see sáklit-climbing iron).
To collide, knock or push against, etc. See sókdol.
To run afoul of, trip, make a false step. See sánggab, súnggab.
A stick, cane, staff, walking stick; to use a walking stick; help, support. Nagasóngkod na siá (May sóngkod na siá) kon maglakát, kay tigúlang na (siá). He is using a walking stick now when he goes out, for he is old (is getting old). Isóngkod (Songkorá) iníng lipák. Use this piece of split bamboo as a walking stick. Siá amó ang íya sóngkod sa íya katigulangón. He is her support in her old age. (see bastón).
Mimicry, mockery, travesty, parody, ludicrous imitation of another's ways; a mimic, scoffer, one who ridicules or teases another; to tease, ridicule, etc. (see sónlog).
According to, in accordance with, conformable to, in harmony with, in conformity with. Sonô sa sinúgid ni Fuláno--. According to what N.N. said--. Sonô siníng bág-o nga pagbulútan--. In conformity with this new law--. Sonô kay San Páblo--. According to St. Paul--. Dílì inâ sonô sa (sang) katarúngan. That is (was) not just. (see silíng).
Flexible, pliable matting, etc. employed in building provisional storages for rice and the like.
See sóbsob, súnsun-to do often, etc.
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