To put on a garment, to dress, etc. See sóklob, súl-ub. Sób-a ang báyò mo. Put on your jacket.
(B) To be nearly related, closely akin or related (connected); to be close by, near by. Nagasóod balá ang ínyo paghimatâ? Are you, perhaps, nearly related? Dílì gid sóod (Bokón ti sóod, warâ pagsóod) ang ámon pagparientíhay. Our relationship is not near. Sóod gid ang ánda (íla) paghimatâ. They are near relations. They are quite closely related. Nagasóod gid ang ánda (íla) pagkaábyan. They are intimate friends. (see sumúod).
Dim. and Freq. of sóod. To be rather closely connected, related, etc.
(B) To pester, bother, annoy, be a nuisance, cause loathing or aversion. Ginasól-an akó sa bátà nga parahíbì. (Ginaták-an akó sa bátà nga palahíbì). The baby is always crying and it annoys me. (see taká).
(B) To cover, enclose, surround, fit well or closely. Diá nga kálò makasoón gid sa ólo ko. (Iníng kálò makasíbò gid sa ákon ólo). This hat fits my head well. Són-i ti loón ang dulséra. (Butangí sing takúp (tákpi) ang dulséra). Put the lid on the preserve dish. Isoón ang takúp kang botílya kang kalámay. (Ibutáng ang takúp sa botílya sang kalámay). Put a (the) lid on the sugar-jar. (see takúp, loón).
Close-shaven, close-cropped, closely shorn, cut down to the ground. Kasoóp sang íya mga kokó, sang gúnting sang íya bohók, etc. His nails are cut very short, his hair is closely shorn, etc. (see sóop).
To cut off near the ground or roots. Soópa ang paggúnting sang ákon bohók. Cut my hair short. Pasoópi ang bohók ko. Give me a close crop. Ginsóop níla ang pagtapás sang káhoy. They cut down the tree close to the ground. Pasoópi sang galáb ang bungálon. Keep the sickle near the ground in cutting zacate. (see sípsip).
(Sp. sopa) Soup; slices of bread for soup. Mabakál akó kúntà sing sópas. I should like to buy slices of bread (biscuits, etc.) for soup.
(Sp. sopera) Soup-tureen.
(Sp. soplete) Blow-pipe; soldering iron.
A children's game played with shells.
To sip, draw or suck in. Sopsopá ang húnsoy (sánsoy). Suck-, draw-, pull-, at the pipe.
Mouthpiece. See solopsópan.
(Sp. sorbete) Sherbet, ice-cream, cooling fruit drink.
See bórò-to be worried or sad, to mutter, murmur, complain.
To fizz, fizzle, hiss, bubble, effervesce. Magasórò (Masórò) ang limonáda kon búksan (abrihán) mo ang botílya. Lemonade effervesces when you open the bottle.
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