The new feathers of a fowl growing under the old feathers that are being moulted.
In the proximity of, very near by, close by; to be near by, etc. See sóbol, sobólsoból id.
(B) In time to come, in the future, later, after some time. Subón patindogón ko ang sángka baláy nga bág-o. (Sa olíhi patindogón ko ang isá ka baláy nga bág-o). After some time I shall have a new house built. Sa tulád kadyá índì pa, pay subón hóod mapamanílà akó. (Sa karón índì pa, ápang sa olíhi húo mapamanílà akó). Not just at present, but later on, yes, I shall go to Manila. Subón (Sa olíhi, kunína) báklan ta ikáw ti kálò nga madálig (sing matahúm nga kálò). Later on I shall buy you a beautiful hat. (see olíhi, kunína, palaabúton, ogáling).
See sóbsob-to fall down face foremost, prone.
To knock the point of a thing against something else, to put one end or point of a thing into fire, water, or the like.
As, like, similar to, resembling. Damák ikáw nga súbung sang báboy. You are as dirty as a pig. Súbung siní. At once, at this very instant, right away, immediately, without delay. Maáyo man kamí sing láwas nga súbung sang sa gihápon. We are in good health as ever. Taktaká siá nga súbung nga sinákup sang ínyo katilíngban. Dismiss him from membership in (as a member of) your society. Indì ka magsúbung sinâ. Don't act like that. Don't do such a thing. (see daw, tulád, parého, kaángay, katúlad).
See súbung. Subúng siní (súbung siní)-at once, etc.
To alloy, reduce or impair by mixture, especially said of gold being mixed with a baser metal. (see sinúbung).
To exhale, steam. Nagasúbung ang ínit sa íya láwas. The heat is steaming from his body. (see ósbong).
To sow, spread, strew. See sáb-og, sábwag, sábud.
A side-dish to eat with rice, especially fish or meat. Also used as a verb. Sud-aní ang kán-on sing ísdà. Eat (Take) some fish with the rice (you are eating). Ginpasud-anán níya kamí sing kárne. He gave us a side-dish of meat. Pasud-aní silá sing ísdà. Give them some fish to eat with the rice. Prepare or provide some fish as a side-dish to eat with their rice. (see ikáon, dáplì, daráplì).
See sodó, sód-o.
An idler, loafer, one who goes about visiting houses, etc. for the sake of conversation, distraction, or the like. The augmentative form panudángsudáng is more in use as a verb. Walâ siá sing trabáho, kóndì nagapanudángsudáng siá. He has nothing to do but just goes about visiting. Walâ sing pulús yanáng pamatán-on; sudángsudáng gid lámang siá. That young man is no good; he is a mere loafer. (see landólándo, lagáwlágaw, haráyháray, tiógtióg).
From sulúd-to enter, fill, etc.
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