Search result(s) - ákon



To take, seize, appropriate. Ginlábni níya ang ákon líbro, káy dúmdum níya nga íya. He took my book, thinking it was his. Nakalábni siá sang lápis. He seized the pencil. (see lábnit, sábnit, kúhà). N.B. Lábni has also at times the meaning of "lámang"-to take something by mistake thinking the object taken to be one's own.



Weal, wale, mark (of a whip or the like); a streak, stripe (of two threads or fibres); to streak, stripe, mark with stripes. Ilabúd sa kabáyo ang látigo. Labudí (-urí) ang kabáyo sang látigo. Give the horse the whip. May labúd ang íya nga písngi. There is a weal on his cheek. Búnal nga waáy labúd. A whipping without weals, i.e. a severe scolding, adverse criticism, etc. Ang sámay sang ákon patádyong isá gid lang ka labúd nga sedalína, ápang ang íya sang patádyong ni mánang duhá gid ka púlò ka labúd nga sedalína. The stripes in my skirt consist of only two silk threads, but those in the skirt of my eldest sister consist of forty silk threads. Butangí ang ákon báyò sing duhá ka labúd nga mapulá. Put two red stripes into my jacket. (see lábhag, lábtik, sámay, guráy).

(B) To pass to and fro, walk about aimlessly, loiter. Anó man ang ginaladáyláday nínyo dirí sa atubángan sang ákon bálay? Why are you walking to and fro in front of my house?



To seek, search or look for, try to find, hunt for. Laghapá ang pányò ko nga nadúlà. Go and look for my lost handkerchief. Laghapí akó sing bulúng. Try to find or get some medicine for me. Ilághap akó ánay sang ákon tulún-an. Kindly find the book for me. (see sághap, pangítà).



To sharpen, put an edge on, whet, hone, strop, grind. Lagída (-íra) ang kotsílyo. Sharpen the knife. Lagídi akó sang ákon nabáha. Hone the razor for me.



To enter deep, sink deep, penetrate, permeate, pierce. Naglágit sa ákon tagiposóon ang íya nga láygay. His sermon sank deep into my heart. Nalagítan ang ákon dúghan siníng matám-is nga kalantáhon. This sweet song went to my heart. Ang kanámit siníng mga kalan-ónon nagalágit sa ákon kaugatán. The deliciousness of this pastry penetrates my whole frame. (see salópsop, salúgsug, látum, tudúk, húgum, húpug, kágit, lúgit, dulút).



(B) The spring of a trap; a spring-trap, gin, snare with a spring-noose, springe; to wedge in, squeeze tight, jam, compress, pinch, flatten, catch, squash, crush. Sang pagtakúp níya sang baúl nalágpit ang ákon kamót. When he put the lid on the trunk, my hand was jammed. Andam ka, agúd índì malágpit ang ímo túdlò sang ganháan. Look out (Be careful), lest your finger should be caught in the door. Lagpitá ang tabákò. Press the tobacco-leaves smooth. Butangán mo sing lágpit ang báboy. Set a spring-trap for the pig. (see ipít, ipíip, lígpit).



Dregs, sediment, settlings, grounds, lees (of liquids, smoking pipes, etc.). Nalagtokán ang ákon sánsoy. My pipe is foul.



To hoax, play a practical joke on somebody, trick. A, ginalagúndaw man lang nímo akó. Ah, you are only playing a joke on me. Indì ka maglagúndaw sa ákon. Don't play me a trick. (see íntò).



To travel, go for a walk, take a constitutional, go on a walking tour, make a trip, wander abroad, roam about, ramble, take a stroll, spend a holiday. Kahápon naglagúyaw kamí sa búkid. Yesterday we made a trip to the mountain. Anó ang ginalagúyaw mo? What are you travelling about for? Laguyáwi lang nínyo ang ákon palangúmhan. Just take a stroll to my farm. (see lágaw, lugáyaw, panglaguyáwan, etc.).



Quick, expeditious, speedy, by a short-cut; to do something quickly, expeditiously, in less than ordinary time, speedily, with speed. Láhus nga trabáho. Expeditious work. Lahúsa gid ang paglútò sang manók. Cook the chicken quickly. Nagaláhus lang siá sang íya mga buluhatón, sang íya pagsulát, pagtahî, etc. He performs his duties, his writing, his sewing, etc. expeditiously. Lahúson mo lang ang ákon panápton, kay may kadtoán akó sa buás. Get my dress ready at once, for I have to go out to-morrow. (see dalî, dalî-dálì, dagúndon).



To be or become bad, worsen, deteriorate, degenerate; to be or become sick, ill, to faint, swoon. Nagláin ang íya batásan. His behaviour has changed for the worse. His character (habits) has (have) degenerated. Nagláin ang íya ginháwa. He swooned, had a fainting fit, lost consciousness, his condition has become serious, or the like. Ang nalaínan sang ákon buút amó--. What-grieves me,-I find fault with, is--. Magaláin inâ kunína. It will turn out bad in the end. Sing makadámù ang mga talapuánan nga maáyo sing kamunóan nagaláin sa katapúsan. Often societies that start well have a bad ending. Indì pagigkaláin sang ímo buút kon--. Don't take it ill (amiss), if--. (see láut).



To cheat, deceive, appropriate more than one's share, seize or take unlawfully, usurp, embezzle. Ginlakonán akó níya sing limá ka písos. He cheated me to the extent of five pesos. Ginlakón níya ang ákon kwárta. He embezzled or appropriated my money. Indì mo paglakonón ang íya nga umá. Don't cheat him out of his land, don't seize his land or part of it. (see lakúm, labán).



To overstep, transgress, trespass, encroach, exceed, surpass, go beyond the limit. Maningúhà ka gid, agúd ang ímo nga kinitáan magláksam sang ímo nga hinguyáng. Do your best, and see that your income exceeds your expenses. Nagláksam siá sang ákon dútà. He encroached or trespassed on my land. He took part of my field. Indì mo paglaksamón (-án) ang talámnan sang ibán. Don't trespass on another's field. Don't appropriate fields belonging to another. (see sabán, hámham, lámlam, sakáb, sakám, sáklam).



(B) Too much, excessive, immoderate, extravagant, beyond measure; to be excessive, do something to excess. Indì ka magpalám-ag sang hámbal. Don't talk too much. Lám-ag kabúg-at iní sa ákon. This is too heavy for me. Nalam-agán akó sinâ. That is too much for me. I have had more than enough of that. Ginpalam-agán akó níya sang buyáyaw. He surpassed himself in swearing at me. (see támà, lakás, masiádo, dúro).



(H) To bespatter, besprinkle, cast upon. Nalám-os akó sang lalaó. I got bespattered with mud. Sín-o ang naglám-os sang ímo guyá? Who bespattered your face? Linam-osán níya ang ákon báyò sing ápog. He sprinkled lime on my jacket. Indì mo pagilám-os sa íya iníng kapáyas nga dunút. Don't throw this rotten papaw at him. (see ásik, ásang, wisík).



To talk glibly, flippantly, talk nonsense; bosh, trash, absurdity. Indì ka maglamádà sa ákon-or-índì mo akó paglamadáan. Don't talk nonsense to me. (see lamásang, lásang, puriákot, piríkat).



To do or take something without more ado, without investigation, believing the object taken to belong to oneself. Indì ka maglámang sang ákon nga sángkap. Don't take, or make use of, my tools without permission, don't say: "I'll just (lámang) take them". Ginlamángan ko ang ímo tulún-an, kay dúmdum ko nga ákon. I took your book thinking it was mine. Kon maglakát ka buás sa ága pa gid, mutáron mo sing maáyo ang mga kálò sa saláb-ítan; básì malamángan mo ang ákon kag madalá mo sa malayô mo nga kaladtoán. When you leave early to-morrow morning, have a good look at the hats on the hat-stand; for otherwise you might get hold of mine and take it along on your far journey. (see lábni).



To intercept on the road, stop, halt, bar or block the way, preclude the passage of, obstruct the progress of. Lamhatí siá sa dálan. Stop him on the road. Naglámbat siá sa ákon or linambatán níya akó. He intercepted me on my way. He prevented me from proceeding on my way. (see sámbat, bálag, pamalábag, bánggà, bángan).



To mention, relate, refer to. Anó gánì ang ginlámbit níya? What did he really refer to? Lambití siá sa nahanungúd sang pagpatíndog sang ákon baláy. Talk to him about the building of my house. Ang nalámbit sa hitáas--. What was mentioned above or before--. The above mentioned--. The aforesaid--. Indì ka maglámbit sinâ sa íya. Don't mention that to him. Don't tell him of that. Ilámbit sa íya nga--. Tell him that--. Ngáa man nga walâ mo pagilámbit inâ sa ákon nga dáan? Why did you not mention that to me before? Why didn't you tell me beforehand? (see sámbit).

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