(Sp. batidor) An egg-beater, an instrument for beating-eggs,-cake-dough,-chocolate, etc. (see batí).
The calf of the leg. (see busúgbusugán, pusúpusuán).
See mátik-news, information.
See matík-to hear, get to know.
To squeeze-, wedge-, press-, jam-, in, to hold fast or in place by a projection, jut or jag so as to make it difficult to move or pull out an object. Iníng kawáyan ginabatikalán sang ibán nga mga kawáyan. This bamboo is jammed in between other bamboos. (balatikál).
See matíkmátik, pamatikbátik-to investigate, watch, spy.
(Sp. batikola) Crupper, the strap that passes under a horse's tail and prevents the saddle from slipping forward.
The gizzard, maw, chief stomach of a bird. (see kolokotón, korokotón id.; bútse, balonbalonán-the craw, crop).
(Sp. batelejo) A sailing boat of the size of a lorcha.
To walk quickly, hurry, haste, hasten, scurry, step briskly, run. Paypayí siá, agúd magbatínbatín. Beckon him to walk quickly. Ang idô nagabatínbatín kon makítà níya ang íya agálon. The dog runs, when he sees his master. (see dalîdálì).
To grasp another just above the ankle and jerk up his foot so as to throw him or break his resistance. Batíngi ang báboy. Get hold of the pig's leg. Batíngi ang íya tiíl. Grasp him by the small of the leg and jerk up his foot. (An expression often used in wrestling).
That part of the leg just above the ankle, the small of the leg. (báting).
Stubborn, perverse, dogged, sullen, sulky, obstinate, mulish, disobedient, wilful, self-willed, unyielding, strong-headed, pig-headed; to be or become stubborn, etc. Sán-o pa ikáw magbatinggílan? When did you become so stubborn? Sádto maáyo siá nga bátà, ápang karón nagbatinggílan. He was a good boy before, but now he has become wilful. (see dîmanínggol, balít-ad, paganót).
Audible, capable of being-, loud enough to be-, heard. (batî).
(Sp. batista) Batiste, fine cambric.
Nursing, care; to nurse, rear, bring up, take good care of children, of invalids, of the sick, etc. Batitihá ang bátà sing maáyo. Take great care of the baby. Nurse the baby well. Ibatití akó ánay siníng bátà. Please look after this baby for me. Ginbatití-or-binatití níya sing mabinalák-on ang masakít nga bátà. She nursed the sick baby with great solicitude or concern, (see sapópo, sagúd, tátap, bántay).
A kind of small clam.
See batíà-A wooden trough, tub, basin.
Stone, rock; to stone. Batohá ang idô. Throw a stone at the dog. Ginbató (binató) níya silá, ang baláy, etc. He stoned-them,-the house, etc. Kon índì ka maálam magísip batoán (batohán) mo lang. If you don't know how to count, use stones for the purpose. Kuhái ang dálan sináng mga bató. Take those stones off the road. Iníng dútà madámù sing bató. This is stony soil-or-there are many stones on this land. Bató nga maídlak (batóngmaídlak). A precious stone, diamond. (see dakál-dákal-gravel; balás-sand).
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