To take physical exercise. Ibayátbáyat mo ang ímo nga láwas. Take physical exercise. Exercise your body. (see banátbánat, unátúnat).
Brother-, sister-in-law.
To exalt, raise spiritually, lift up one's heart, etc. Ginbáyaw sang Diós ang mga Sántos sa dakû nga himáyà kag kadunggánan. God has exalted the saints to great glory and honour. Ibáyaw or bayáwa ang ímo hunâhúnà kag tagiposóon sa lángit. Lift up your thoughts and heart to heaven. (see dáyaw, saólog, bánsag).
A bamboo bench as often used in Philippine houses and boats; a raised bamboo floor or platform for treading out rice, known also as "linasán" and "pápag".
A small basket used chiefly for winnowing rice in the open. It is similar to a tagakán.
The sea-shore, beach, strand, coast, sea-side.
The foreshore, beach, strand, that part of the sea-shore that is washed by the tide. (see báybay).
Effeminate, unmanly, womanish. (see agî, babayén-on).
etc. From bayó-to pound (rice).
Form, shape, figure, appearance, guise, outline, species. Yárà dirâ si Hesukrísto sa báyhon sang tinápay. Jesus Christ is present there under the species of bread. Ang manunúlay nagpalapít sa íya sa báyhon sang isá ka ábyan. The tempter approached him in the guise of a friend. (see dágway).
Shapely, handsome, pretty, good-looking, of good appearance.
See báilo-to change, exchange, swap, swop.
(Sp. bayo) Bay, yellowish white (horses). Ginbalígyà ko ang ákon kabáyo nga báyo. I sold my bay horse.
A Philippine upper garment for men and women, dress for the upper part of the body, bodice, jacket. The "báyò" is a piece of dress of very many different kinds and styles, but all agreeing in one point, namely that they serve as an outer covering of the upper part of the body.
To pound or hull, especially rice, by means of a wooden mortar (lusóng) and a pestle (hál-o). Báywa or bayohá ang humáy. Pound the rice. Báywi or bayohí akó sing isá ka pásong nga humáy. Pound for me a bushel of rice. Ibayó akó ánay siníng isá ka gántang nga humáy. Kindly pound this gantang of rice for me. Humáy nga binayó. Rice that has been pounded. (see lúbak, totó, gúmà, dásdas, líg-as).
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