(Sp. bendito) Blessed, saint: simpleton, silly, fool. Isá siá ka bendíto. He is a fool or simpleton.
(Sp. ventaja) Advantage, benefit, vantage-point, superiority; to be in a better position or condition, to have the advantage of. May bentáha siá sa ákon sa paglakát, kay maníwang siá kag índì paghapóon sa madalî. He has the advantage of me in walking, because he is lean and does not soon run short of breath. (see ikaáyo, kinaáyo).
Green. See bérde, hiláw.
(Sp. verdugo) Executioner.
(Sp. verso) Verse, line of poetry, poetical language. (see binaláybay, baláybay).
(Sp. besar) A kiss, buss; to kiss, buss, salute with the lips, especially to kiss the hand. Pádre, mabésa akó? Father, may I kiss your hand? Besahí si tátay mo. Kiss your father's hand. Pádre, pabesahá ang mga bátà. Father, let the children kiss your hand. Ipabésa mo sa íya ang ímo kamót. Let him kiss your hand. Nagasúngon ang ákon tíyà kag índì na siá magpabésa sa ákon. My aunt is cross and does not allow me any more to kiss her hand. (see halúk).
Holding one's head erect, etc. See biádbíad, líad, liádlíad, báy-ad.
To strut, walk about proudly with head thrown back; to walk about idly or aimlessly, promenade or go from place to place for lack of serious occupation. Tan-awá yanáng bugalón nga nagabiádbíad sa dálan. Look at that proud fellow who walks on the road with his head thrown back. Igò lang sa íya ang biádbíad. Igò lang siá sang biádbíad. He is only fit for promenading or for walking about idly. He does nothing but strolling, sauntering. (see báy-ad, liád-líad, barumbáda, sarabánda).
(Sp. viaje) Tour, trip, journey, travel, voyage; to tour, travel, make a trip. (see panglagúyaw, panglaguyáwan, panglakátan, paliwálíwa).
Split. See biák. Biál nga galatóng. Split wood, firewood, kindling.
(Sp. viático) Viaticum; to give Viaticum to a dying person. Nabiatikohán na siá or nabáton na nía ang biátiko. He has received viaticum.
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