A captive, prisoner; a cock killed in the cockpit; the remains of a repast, food left on the table after a banquet, etc.; to capture, take-captive,-prisoner, lead into captivity. Bihági silá bisán sing isá lámang sa íla. Capture at least one of them. Ang mga Móros sádto ánay nagpamíhag (nagbíhag) sing madámù nga mga Bisayâ. The Moros formerly led many Visayans into captivity. Nabíhag ang íya tagiposóon. His heart was captivated.
Dim. of bíhag. Also: A children's game "The hen and the hawk". Nagahámpang silá sang bihág-bíhag. They are playing "The hen and the hawk."
To discover, to open-, tear-, rend-, clothing so as to expose the skin. Amligí ang pamúngkò mo, kay básì mabihangán ikáw. Be careful in sitting down, lest you expose yourself. Figuratively: Katákatáhon mo sing maáyo ang mga kalán-on kag ilímnon nga natigána sa mga bisíta, kay básì makulángan kag bihangán kitá. Portion out well the food and drinks prepared for the visitors, for otherwise we may run short and be put to shame. (see búklang, gísì, búhang).
A kind of creeper, a wild vine and its fruit. Its grapes are small and not very palatable.
Potsherd, a piece of broken crockery; broken (of jars, pots, etc.).
To straddle, to spread the legs wide apart when sitting, standing or lying. Indì ka magbíkà. Don't spread your legs so wide apart. Ginbíkà níya ang íya páa. He spread his legs out. Indì mo pagbikáon ang ímo páa. Don't spread your legs. Kúlang kaáyo ang ímo nga pagtáhud, kay nagbíkà ka sa atubángan sang mga bisíta. You are wanting very much in politeness towards visitors, for you spread your legs in their presence. Indì mo silá pagbikáan liwán. Don't spread your legs again before them-or-in their presence. (see bákà).
To open and close the legs a number of times in succession.
See bíkà.
To argue, debate, discuss, engage in a discussion or argument. Bikálon mo siá sa tungúd sang maáyo nga batásan. Argue with him about good manners. Bikálan ta ang bág-o nga pagbulút-an nahanungúd sa mga kalasálon. Let us debate about the new law referring to marriages. Nagabikaláy silá sang mga kaayóhan kag kalaínan sang gobiérno nga amerikánhon. They are discussing the good and bad points of the American Government. (see báis).
To open-, force-, press-, asunder, tear or pull apart (a purse or the like). Bikáta ang tinápay. Pull the loaf asunder. Ibíkat akó ánay sang ákon bólsa, kay akó índì makabíkat sinâ. Kindly open my purse for me, as I cannot force it open. Bikáta akó sang pológwan, kay pasúdlon ko ang manók. Open the mouth of the chicken-basket for me, for I am going to put in the cock. (see bílad, húmlad-to open, unfold).
See bigkíl id.
Bandage, binding material. See bígkis id.
To move about, be up and busy, to be stirring, to stir one self, to be active. Indì na siá makabíknol. He cannot move about any more, he is unable to do any work. Hálus na gánì siá makabíknol gíkan sa kabúdlay, balatían, katigulangón, etc. He can scarcely move any longer on account of being tired, sick, old, etc. Makabíknol pa siá maglágaw?-Indì na gid; pirme lang siá nagahígdà. Can he still walk about? Not at all; he is bed-ridden. (see tíknol, túknul).
To tear, rend clothing, etc. Nabíkrat ang ákon báyò. My jacket was torn. Bikratá lang ang kóko. Simply tear the white cloth asunder. Bikratí akó sing duhá ka bára siníng hénero. Tear off for me two yards of this cloth. Ginkáptan níya akó sa likód kag biníkrat níya ang ákon báyò. He grasped me by the back and tore my coat. (see píkrat, gísì, páhak, bábha).
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