See báw-as. Also: Diminution, lessening, decrease; to diminish, lessen, decrease. (see búhin).
To redeem, reclaim, deliver, free, save, set at liberty, liberate, release. Bawía siá. Deliver him, free him. Ginbáwì kitá ni Hesukrísto sa salâ kag sa inpiérno. Jesus Christ redeemed us from sin and hell. Ibáwì mo iníng pílak sa ímo dútà. Use this money to reclaim your land. Nabáwì siá sa kamót sang íya mga kaáway. He was saved from the hands of his enemies. Kon mga saráng, ibáwì akó sang ákon umá nga ginprénda ko. Please, if possible, reclaim for me the land I mortgaged. Kon índì ka magbáyad sang ímo nga útang sa napátud nga ádlaw, índì mo na mabáwì ang síngsing nga ginprénda mo. Unless you pay your debt on the day assigned, you will not be able to redeem your pawned ring. Ang mga Móros nabawían na, konó, sing duhá sang íla mga biníhag. It is reported that two of the captives led away by the Moros have been freed. (see tubús, luás, gáwad).
A bunch of coconuts growing on one stalk. Iníng isá ka báwog may napúlò ka lubí. There are ten coconuts in this bunch. (see dáwog).
Shadoof, shaduf, picotah, counterpoised sweep, a long beam swinging up and down on an axle used to draw water from a cistern or well. At one end of the beam the tímbà (pail or bucket for drawing water) is attached and at the other end the pamató (counterpoise, counterbalance). The pin or axle on which the beam turns is called the paláy. Ang bawód nagasákà-panáug. The shadoof is moving up and down.
Any kind of lever resembling a shadoof.
(B) Shortened form of bábay. Bay, diín ka makádto? Where are you going to, my dear?
To keep the head proudly erect, to expand one's chest and throw the head slightly back, to strut, walk with pomposity or affected dignity. Indì ka magbáy-ad kon maglakát. Don't hold your head proudly erect when you walk. Ginapabáy-ad níya ang íya nga láwas. He carries himself proudly with his nose in the air. Indì mo pagibáy-ad ang ímo nga láwas kon maglakát ukón magpúngkò ka. Do not assume a haughty air when you walk or sit. (see báy-od, lí-ad).
(B) Anything given up, left off or discontinued. Báyà ko na ang paginúm sing mga ilímnon nga makahulúbug. I have given up taking intoxicating drinks. Báyà na níya ang sugál. He does not gamble any more. He has given up gambling. (see bíyà).
(B) To leave, quit, abandon, desert, forsake, relinquish, give up, let-, leave-, alone. Daw sa índì siá makabáyà sang maláut níya nga kinaanáran. It seems as if he cannot give up his evil habits. Bayái lang inâ. Leave that alone. Don't meddle with that. Indì mo siá pagbayáan dirâ nga isá lang. Don't leave him there alone or all by himself. Indì mo pagpabáy-an (pagpabayáan) ang ímong mga ginikánan sa íla nga katigulangón. Don't forsake your parents in their old age. A, galî, binayáan níya akó nga walâ siá maghulát sa ákon? Well now, he has left me in the lurch and has not waited for me? (see bíyà).
An asseveratory or corroborative particle: certainly, surely, what do you mean, no doubt, or the like. Akon iní bayâ. Nagdúmdum ikáw nga ímo? This certainly belongs to me. Did you think it was yours?
(Sp. guayábo, guayaba) The guava-tree and its fruit.
Payment, settlement, disbursement, expenditure, outlay; to pay, settle, spend, disburse. Magbáyad ka sang ímong útang. Pay (you must pay) your debt. Sa walâ sing báyad or sa waláy báyad. Without payment; gratis, free. Kón índì ka magbáyad sa íya karón, índì ka makaútang sa íya liwán. If you don't pay him now, you cannot get a loan from him again. Bayári na siá sang duhá ka mángmang nga ginhulám mo. Pay him now the two pesos you borrowed. Ibáyad mo sa íya ang napúlò ka mángmang nga útang mo sa íya. Pay him the ten pesos you owe him. Ang mga komersyánte malúyag sang mga súkì nga may batásan sa pagbáyad sing támbing. Dealers like customers that habitually pay cash. Nakabáyad ka sang relóh nga nabáton mo gíkan sa Manílà?-Hóo, dúgay na nga binayáran ko yádto. Have you paid for the watch you received from Manila?-Yes, I paid for it long ago. Walâ pa akó sing ikabáyad sa ímo. I have not yet got the means with which to pay you. Sa madalî ukón sa madúgay magabáyad gid siá sing mahál sang íya nga sináypan. Sooner or later he will pay dearly for his mistakes. Pabayára (-áda) siá. Make (let) him pay.
Fork, bifurcation, crotch; the tendons, muscles and folds of skin near the crotch of an animal. (see sakáng).
An old song or tune, a chanty: to hum a tune. Nagsakáy siá sa íya karabáw nga nagabayái. He sat on his buffalo humming a tune.
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