(B) Dim. and Freq. of batáng. To rise and lie down alternately, to be a little sick, feel indisposed. Nagabatángbátang siá, kay malúya ang íya láwas. She rises and lies down again, for she is weak.
(B) To lie down. Ang bátà nagabatáng sa sábak sang íya ilóy. The child lies in its mother's lap. Pabatánga siá sa kátre. Let him lie down on the bed. Indì mo pagpabatángon ang káhoy dirí. Don't put the wood down here. Don't lay the wood here. (see hígdà).
Young, youthful, pertaining to children, etc. See batán-on.
To bear, suffer; sustain, tolerate, put up with; stand. Makabatás ka sinâ? Can you stand that? Hántì, kay ginhímò mo inâ, batasá na man ang ígò nga sílot. Very well then, as you have done that, suffer now the fitting punishment. Ginbatás-or-binatás ko ang tanán nga kahuól. I bore all hardships. Indì na akó magbatás sang ínyo paggináhud dirí. I will not put up any longer with the noise you make. (see ántus, íro, agwánta).
To turn to refuse or scrap, especially applied to metals. Ang kaláyo nagbátas sang salsálon. The fire burned the iron to scrap. Ang salsálon nabátas or binátas sang kaláyo. The iron was burned to scrap by the fire. Indì mo pagbatáson sa kaláyo iníng sin. Don't allow this zinc to pass through fire and become useless.
Custom, manner, habit, practice, character, usage, ways, way of going on, use, convention. (see pamatásan, kagawián, kabuyó, kinaanáran).
Patient, suffering, forbearing: bearing pain, trial or trouble without murmuring. (see batás, mapinailúbon, mainantúson).
(Sp. batir) To beat, stir up, as an egg, milk, dough, land in harrowing, etc. Batihá ang tsokoláte. Beat up the chocolate. Batihón mo ang talámnan. Harrow the field. Sín-o sa ínyo ang maálam magbatí sing maáyo siníng sinámò (méskla) sa pagbúhat sing mamón? Which of you knows how to beat this mixture well for making a cake?
To hear, catch the sound of. Nakahatî akó nga --. I heard that --. Sa malayô índì ka makabatî sang tunúg sang linggánay. From far away you cannot hear the sound of the bell. Kon mabatián mo ang amó nga sugíd-súgid índì ka magpáti, kay lúnsay nga mga butíg. When you hear such rumours don't believe them, because they are pure lies. Note the accent in the following: Ang lupók sang palúpok (rekámra) batíon sa labíng malayô nga minurô. The detonation of a mortar can be heard in the farthest village. (see dungúg, památì, batî-bátì, binatî-bátì).
Dim. of batî. Also: Hearsay, rumour; gossip; to know by hearsay. May batî-bátì sa bánwa nga --. There is a rumour current in town that --. Ginabatîbátì nga masulúd ang mga buyóng sa bánwa. It is being rumoured that the robbers will enter the town. (see konókóno).
Dim. of batí. To beat or stir slightly, etc. Also: to boil sugar, dissolve sugar in boiling water.
See butóngbútong id. Kaúyon ka sang batíbáti? Do you like to eat the candy called "batí-báti"?.
To feel, sense, perceive, become aware of, notice, have a sensation, suffer, be indisposed or ill. Tungúd sang lakás nga pagdúmug mo karón pagabatiagón mo gid sa buás ang kasakít sang láwas mo. On account of your wrestling so much you will surely ache all over tomorrow. May ginabátiag siá. He is indisposed, feels a little ill. Sa hinálì nakabátiag akó sing dakû nga kasakít sa ákon kílid. Suddenly I felt great pain in the side. Ipabátiag mo ang látigo sa matámad nga karabáw. Give the lazy buffalo a taste of your whip. Kon matúod ang ímo ginasilíng magabátiag si nánay sing dakû nga kalípay. If what you say is true, mother will feel very glad. (see bátyag, bátì).
A kind of creeper with very bitter, uneatable fruit.
Experienced, proficient, skilled, well versed, good at; to be or become expert, etc. Batíd nga táo. An expert or skilful man. Batíd siá sa trabáho. He is skilled in work. Nagbatíd siá or nahímò siá nga batíd. He became an expert. Batidá siá sa pagkapánday. Make him proficient at carpentry. (see sagád, anád, hanás, lísto, sampáton).
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