"The staff of St. Joseph", a kind of decorative plant with beautiful green-and red-spotted leaves.
See básia-lazy (especially of females).
See básiaw.
To bulge, swell out, be stuffed full. Nagabát-al ang íya nga bólsa. His pocket bulges, is full. Guinpabát-al níya ang íya bólsa sang bukáka. He stuffed his pocket with ripe kamúnsel-fruit. Indì mo pagpabat-alón ang sáko sing támà, kay básì magísì. Don't cram the sack too much, for it might burst. (see báknal).
A kind of peas, similar to patáni.
Having a large stone and little pulp, said of fruits like plums, lúmboy and the like; figuratively: dull, stupid, having little brains; to be or become dull, etc.
Dull, stupid; having a large stone, but little pulp (of fruit).
Child, baby, boy, girl, son, daughter; serving-boy, servant; to bear a child, give birth to a child, be delivered of. Nagbátà siá. She gave birth to a child. Nabátà siá sa Igbarás. He was born in Igbarás. Sa dílì madúgay magabátà iníng báka. This cow will now soon calve. Ang mga binátà. Offspring, progeny. Pilá ang íya mga bátà? How many children has she? (see anák, táo, inanák, etc.).
To apportion, divide, distribute, hand out, give out, dole out. Batábatáha ang kán-on. Dole out the rice (equally to all), (see katákáta).
A kind of plant yielding an edible grain; millet.
To pull upwards, to raise, lift, hoist, draw or pull aloft. Batáka ang bálde, ang bayóng, etc. Draw or pull up the pail, the bamboo water-container, etc. Batáki akó sing kawáyan. Pull up a bamboo for me. Ibátak akó ánay siníng sáko. Kindly lift this sack for me. Binatákan nía ang atóp sing sin. They hauled up to the roof some sheets of zinc. Batáki (pabatáki) ang bátà sang íya nga dungán, agúd magáyo. Raise (have raised) the child's tutelary ghost or genius, that it may get well. (This is a superstitious phrase).
A frame-work with a hole or slot through which bamboo, bólò, rattan, etc. is passed when dressing or cleaning it for weaving purposes. (see talapgohán).
Pulley, block, crane; any contrivance for lifting, drawing or pulling upwards. (bátak).
(B) To lie down sick, lie up, be sick, stay in-, keep one's-, bed on account of some illness. Nagbátang na siá sang pilá ka ádlaw. He has kept his-, remained in-, bed for several days.
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