(Sp. diámetro) Diameter.
(Sp. diana) Reveille; a band marching and playing through the streets at early dawn; to play a reveille.
(Sp. dibujo) Design, drawing, sketch, plan, map, chart, delineation, outline, projection, representation, elevation, ground-plan; to draw, sketch, make an outline,-draft (draught), of etc. Gindibúho níya ang laráwan ni --. He drew the picture of --. Magdibúho ka sing baláy. Make a plan for a house.
For dilían from dílì. Nadíd-an siá sang pálad, sang mánggad, sang lángit, etc. Fate was unkind to him, he was not a favourite of-, was not favoured with-, wealth, heaven was against him, etc.
The civet of the civet cat; the very malodorous scent of the fox due to a secretion of a gland near the base of the fox's tail.
There, yonder, over there; there is (was, are, were, etc.). Adto dídto. That there. Madámù ang ísdà dídto. There is (was) much fish there. Magkádto ka dídto. Go there. Dílì inâ, kóndì yádto dídto. Not that one, but the one over there.
(Sp. dieta) Diet, prescribed or regulated food for a sick man, for an invalid, etc.; daily allowance for officials travelling by order of the government, daily salary or extra-allowance for some special work.
(Sp. de gala) In full dress, arrayed as for a feast or some solemn gathering, festive, in gala dress; to wear festive apparel. Nagadigála siá. He is in gala dress. (see dikumpotók, mahípid, mahípig).
To arrange, prepare, get ready, set to rights or in order, especially applied to all work in a kitchen. Digamóha ang mga pínggan. Arrange the plates. Put the plates in their proper place. Digamóhi akó sing panyága. Get some dinner ready for me. Idigámo akó sang sángkap sa digamohán. Please tidy up the kitchen utensils for me. Ipadigámo sa kay Hosé ang mga pagkáon. Let Joe look after the food. Sín-o ang nagdigámo sang ákon pányo nga nalipatán ko dirâ sa ibábaw sang lamésa? Who took away (and kept for me) the handkerchief I forgot there on the table? (see lútò, ráhà, hímos).
(Sp. dignidad) Dignity, high rank or station, honour, excellence. (see kadunggánan, pagkatalahóron, dungúg, pagkahalángdon).
(B) To belch, etc. See dígwà.
To loll, hang out the tongue. See diwál.
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