(B) To be together, live or do anything together, be in the same predicament. Kay sín-o ikáw nagaímaw-or-Sín-o ang ginaimáwan mo? Whom are you working, living, staying, etc. with? Who is your companion? Nagaímaw silá sa pagkáon, ápang dílì sa pagpangítà. They take their meals in common, but follow different callings. (see ibá).
(B) To be together, live or do anything together, be in the same predicament. Kay sín-o ikáw nagaímaw-or-Sín-o ang ginaimáwan mo? Whom are you working, living, staying, etc. with? Who is your companion? Nagaímaw silá sa pagkáon, ápang dílì sa pagpangítà. They take their meals in common, but follow different callings. (see ibá).
(Sp. eme-the name of the letter "M") To squat with the legs bent in the form of the letter "M". Nagaími siá sa salúg. He is squatting on the floor. Imi ang paglíngkod níya. He sits with legs drawn up. Ginimíhan níya ang salúg. He squatted down one floor. (see lupágì, lupán-ak, katínkátin, kúung, kúmung, singkayóng).
(Sp. eme-the name of the letter "M") To squat with the legs bent in the form of the letter "M". Nagaími siá sa salúg. He is squatting on the floor. Imi ang paglíngkod níya. He sits with legs drawn up. Ginimíhan níya ang salúg. He squatted down one floor. (see lupágì, lupán-ak, katínkátin, kúung, kúmung, singkayóng).
From inúm-to drink.
From inúm-to drink.
Poor, pauper, without wealth; to be or become poor, indigent, penniless, penurious, destitute, pinched, straitened. Imol siá. He is poor. Nagímol siá. He became poor. Naimólan gid akó sa íya. He seems to me to be very poor. Ginpaímol siá sang Mahál nga Diós, kay bugalón siá sádto ánay. God deprived him of his worldly goods, because he used to be so proud. Indì ka magpakaímol. Don't pretend to be poor. Imol siá, konó, ápang sang pagdúaw ko sa íya walâ gid akó pagimóli sang íya baláy. They say he is poor, but when I visited him his house did not appear to me to be poor. (see dungúl, póbre).
Poor, pauper, without wealth; to be or become poor, indigent, penniless, penurious, destitute, pinched, straitened. Imol siá. He is poor. Nagímol siá. He became poor. Naimólan gid akó sa íya. He seems to me to be very poor. Ginpaímol siá sang Mahál nga Diós, kay bugalón siá sádto ánay. God deprived him of his worldly goods, because he used to be so proud. Indì ka magpakaímol. Don't pretend to be poor. Imol siá, konó, ápang sang pagdúaw ko sa íya walâ gid akó pagimóli sang íya baláy. They say he is poor, but when I visited him his house did not appear to me to be poor. (see dungúl, póbre).
Jealousy, envy; to be or become jealous, jaundiced, green-eyed. Nagaímon siá. She is getting jealous. Nagapangímon siá. She is of a jealous disposition. Nagímon siá. She has become jealous. Ginaimónan ni Fulána ang íya nga bána. N.N. is jealous of her husband. Nagaimonáy silá nga duhá. The two are jealous of each other.
Jealousy, envy; to be or become jealous, jaundiced, green-eyed. Nagaímon siá. She is getting jealous. Nagapangímon siá. She is of a jealous disposition. Nagímon siá. She has become jealous. Ginaimónan ni Fulána ang íya nga bána. N.N. is jealous of her husband. Nagaimonáy silá nga duhá. The two are jealous of each other.
(B) Parsimony, stint, niggardliness, stinginess; to be or become stingy, niggardly, close, parsimonious, mean, miserly. Indì ka magímot sa mga ímol. Don't be stingy toward the poor. Imóti (ímti) ang ímo pagkáon. Take little food, eat very sparingly. Ginaimótan akó sang ákon agálon. My master stints me. Naimótan akó siníng táo. I consider this man a miser. (see dingót, ínot).
(B) Parsimony, stint, niggardliness, stinginess; to be or become stingy, niggardly, close, parsimonious, mean, miserly. Indì ka magímot sa mga ímol. Don't be stingy toward the poor. Imóti (ímti) ang ímo pagkáon. Take little food, eat very sparingly. Ginaimótan akó sang ákon agálon. My master stints me. Naimótan akó siníng táo. I consider this man a miser. (see dingót, ínot).
(Sp. empanada) Meatpie, fruit-pie, a mixture of meat, eggs, shrimps, raisins, etc. baked in pastry, in flour, battered; to batter, to bake in pastry. Impanadáha ang manók. Cook the chicken in pastry. Impanadáhi akó sining búgsò nga kárne. Bake me this piece of meat in batter.
(Sp. empanada) Meatpie, fruit-pie, a mixture of meat, eggs, shrimps, raisins, etc. baked in pastry, in flour, battered; to batter, to bake in pastry. Impanadáha ang manók. Cook the chicken in pastry. Impanadáhi akó sining búgsò nga kárne. Bake me this piece of meat in batter.
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